Friday, March 12, 2004


hehe.. din know u guys were counting. i wasnt. =P

well, geez.. am back.


hehh.. sorry, a bit unused to this blog-space liaoz. haha. been travelling around to different bloggies. i guess u all shd know by now that i hav a few bloggies. hee. jus shifted into a new one, but that one is for e-mentoring purposes, so u guys shant be able to access it. hee.. strictly for e-mentors onli. :p bleh.

let's see. what has been happening in my life.. hmm.. sanctification week in my church was good. u guys can read bout it in my other bloggie. well, except the last day.. hmm...

oooh.. today my lab fren mentioned that we can register for our graduation gown! so soon! commencement is jus around the corner. okies, mb now i'm responding better to this fact. earlier on today, i was like, 'o darn, my hyp is nowhere near completion'. Lol. guess one starts to see things differently the longer one thinks about it, n the wisest decision to make is to see things for the better, not the worse. ;)

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