Wednesday, March 31, 2004

finally get to hav my tau suan today!!! hehehe... been craving for that for some time now, but every time i went to buy, the auntie would tell me sold out liaoz. haiz, that was like so sadz.. hehe.. but today very that happie!! get to eat my tau suan!!! hahahaa... yar, i can b that crazy about food.. hehee...

Monday, March 22, 2004

my mind was restless, my body crying... and my feet, well, they went running.. Lol... :p

>>>The Security Guard

As I was walking back after my Monday jog, I chanced upon meeting him walking down the slope in the opposite direction. It was him, I couldn't be mistaken as I could remember him the first time I saw him. But does he remember me? He must have seen so many faces that the next one he sees would just register familarity and not a hint of identity. Yet how could I not remember him?

It happened that very first night I spent at PGP. I came back very late, it may well be the first time I travelled along that route so familar to my night vision now. Imagine, my very first night, and I came back ever so late. Then I realised that my card was spoilt and the lift wouldn't grant me access to my floor. As if that whole day wasn't bad enough, and it was my first day at PGP. It took me a round-trip back to the foyer where I spotted a lady guard to see what she could do for me. Then, the Fire Command Centre sounded so foreign to me, and I had to ask for direction. Tears would have pinched my eyeballs if they hadn't been drained out earlier with the soap opera in my lab. Then, came the security guard to the rescue. I was ever so grateful to get immediate action from the security post at the basement. I guess they could distinguish a newcomer and give more courtesy, or were the puffy eyes showing from below the shadows of my forehead? That was how I got to know the security guard.

Where is my security guard now? He doesn't know me anymore.
we are all beggars of love and sympathy.
another week has ended. another week is yet about to start.

Friday, March 19, 2004

practically ran down the green staircase this morn, thinking that something was following me from behind. hehh, actually this was aggravated by seeing a man in black (totally black!) walking up the road towards KE7 as i was crossing the road to the green staircase.. heart thumping, adrenaline pumping.. i walked faster so that the guy wun see me, then while there was still light at the staircase, i tumbled down the steps. hehh.. *spooky* i really shd considering taking the long route next time. i hate being so routine, just to play safe, so i shd switch between the routes so that anyone who wanna set a trap might jus b waiting for nothing.. Lol... [me jus thinking of the extreme cases here, watched too many homicides on TV].. :p

Thursday, March 18, 2004

and there is light! hee.. after two nights without light in the kitchen, it's almost unbearable, esp when i come back quite late n i wanna cook sth. haiz.. hehh.. :p

oh, today was lotsa fun. actualli these few days in my lab, all the ppl there (me inclusive) jus went bonkers. Lol. we're jus mad lar. too stressed? hmm, mb. anyway, tmr is my boss' bday so we had a potluck session today. it was lotsa fun. me, n two other labbie frens prepared apple pie (hee, my specialty so far, i think..) n brownie.. yea.. the brownies.. sigh.. after the bad experience at west spring sec sch (the sch i'm doing my mentoring), i realli thot it was the brand of the brownie.. but today i made the discovery that the brownie needs to be COOLED so that it will harden. Lol. i can still recall kelvin saying that it tasted like 'nien kow' - the cake u eat fried during chinese new year. hahaa..

well, seem like this week i'm plagued with cooking sessions.. haha.. tmr's my other fren's bday too. so me shall attempt to bake her a cake. ahem... hee.. another fren making lasagnia.. yumz.. now i can learn sth then mb try out on my guinea pigs.. :p then Sun, another fren who's dying to eat pancake shall come over n make pancake.. hehehe.. yea, realli a cooking week, this week shall b.. n me, i'll b so well fed, feeling fat (it rhymes, it rhymes! :p)...

now, to digest the food for the brain... data n more data... *bonkers*

Monday, March 15, 2004

*hm*.. decided not to sleep. jus 3 more hours before i have to get up to do my usual morning chores of brushing my teeth, washing my face, n having my breakfast anyway. might as well, go and analyze data. spent the past few hours tidying up the ppt slides oredi. now i felt better that i hav contributed to the group by editing the slides. hehh..

i ate too much today too. think the food is helping me to stay awake now. for all u pizza lovers out there, the chicken floss pizza at pizza hut is realli good.. reminds me of breadtalk's floss bun.. yumz..
i wrote this down on the bus back to pgp. din bring any good book to read for the journey home, so might as well write sth. hee..

the world is still the same as i read about it in the news - terrorism on the rise, muslim extremists being blamed, floods, elections, features on advances in science n tech (did i mention that my prof got the limelight in two recent articles on cancer?) *yawn* doesnt the world ever change, for the better? it was a lot more enlightening when i picked up an 8days magazine. i guess entertainment portrays an ideal world that we long to be in, untaunted by the many mishappenings. for sure, many shows are beginning to be more realistic these days, but even in that there is this sense of idealism. Sigh, i dun know whether u can follow my flow of blabber..

oh, and this special feature of 8 days' in Adelaide was a real boost, too. i guess the reason why i din take much interest in browsing thru travel books was that these places would just remain in the pictures to me. all that has changed now. new possibilities are opening up n i'm seeing myself on the move - travelling! this mus surely be the fruit of a good job that pays well enough for me to go out of this tiny island. yesh.. i'm very much looking forward to that!

sigh, was jus thinking how good it was that my lab fren shall be off to US for this summer camp. it's really a marvellous deal, n i guess some of u ppl might know bout it. for the benefit of those who dun, well, u go for a summer camp to help facilitate n look after the kids there for about 3mths. think about it - 3mths in US! what an experience! though i'm not that keen on US, still it's really a 'wow' (sorry, ran low on vocab to describe this feeling of awe). in return, u get a free ticket (i think), accommodation n food provided for. plus, u get to meet a lot of people from around the world! really splendid! my fren went for it before last year n i din hear a word of complain from her bout it! ;D

well, i guess this whole future of going around the world is now quite feasible. onli that it cant happen right after i graduate, which is sad really. i was looking forward to the trip to Perth at least, from my uncle's sponsorship but since the anticipated arrival of their first grandchild in May, he has not said anything about that again. i wun wanna pester him over such matter either, dun wanna b a financial burden to him. shall look for my own keep, then go out to the world to have a peek. even going home after exams seem bleak now.. o well, onto writing n sending out my resumes by tis week..!

Sunday, March 14, 2004


that's the magical word for today. heh.. something that can motivate me on in whatever i'm doing now. Lol. was talking to my post-doc staff in my lab, n he was sharing with me his experiences in travelling. man, that guy is so cool! he has been staying at so many places he can even boasts about the different PRs he has collected! darn, that's sth that i'll love to do, too. n i onli hav my brunei PR now.. haiz, well, it's a start anyway.. :p

and yea, he told me bout his backpacking experiences. he spent 6mths backpacking in Aussie.. waa... cool!! then he mentioned that there are organisations for backpackers, then u can go on group backpacking so u wun backpack alone. yea, that'll b cool!.. n when u run out of cash, well, the backpacker bulletin board has a list of jobs u can take up.. yesh!! this is really cool.. hahaha.. sorry, i havnt got over the excitement of the day over this bit of meaty news..

hah, n i got my room re-organized after i got back from church too. yea... now, it's no longer the comp by the bedside, but it's back on the table so i can start doing some serious work. yeps.. got lotsa data to analyze, n my labmate cant believe that i din know how to use a particular software to analyze my data, esp when i've been collecting data for so long... hehh.. that's me.. too proud to ask my lab RA, but it's okie to b dumb in front of my own peers.. hehh.. :p

Friday, March 12, 2004


hehe.. din know u guys were counting. i wasnt. =P

well, geez.. am back.


hehh.. sorry, a bit unused to this blog-space liaoz. haha. been travelling around to different bloggies. i guess u all shd know by now that i hav a few bloggies. hee. jus shifted into a new one, but that one is for e-mentoring purposes, so u guys shant be able to access it. hee.. strictly for e-mentors onli. :p bleh.

let's see. what has been happening in my life.. hmm.. sanctification week in my church was good. u guys can read bout it in my other bloggie. well, except the last day.. hmm...

oooh.. today my lab fren mentioned that we can register for our graduation gown! so soon! commencement is jus around the corner. okies, mb now i'm responding better to this fact. earlier on today, i was like, 'o darn, my hyp is nowhere near completion'. Lol. guess one starts to see things differently the longer one thinks about it, n the wisest decision to make is to see things for the better, not the worse. ;)