Monday, July 25, 2005

a chinese song i heard from 93.3fm:

shun shi zhen (clockwise) - Gigi Leung
i caught n understood onli fragments of tis song, n these are what i made of it

Love is not like this
And you've stolen my time
What you've said,
do you still intend to keep it?

I don't want to sit alone
to think about the past
because time can never return
to that point of beginning.

Sometimes I try to think
of myself before this love
Yet I know
I can never be that person again.

I just want to sit,
let the wind blow past.

i know it's not word for word translation, n i miss out quite a bit. this is what i caught n what made the song meaningful to me. nowadays i see, hear n feel the multitude of ppl's needs, ppl's problems, ppl's hurts... mine is onli so little. yet they are mine n tt's what matters. and God cares, so all the more i cling onto Him.

on a lighter, less abstract note, i've been hanging out with the freshmen, n they're a joy to be with. so innocent. i've a few guys who wld single me out to talk. haha.. good-looking too. but yea, too young. *grinz. oh well, if someone can hv favourite girls, i dun see why i cant hv favourite guys. heee.. went to Sentosa with them yesterday, n saw the musical fountain, could b said for the first time bcos i've not seen the show for a long time n golly, it has changed so much! hehh.. got balls of fire too.. amazing..

looking forward to seeing those fellas again. :)

Friday, July 22, 2005

yayy.. alone by myself in the lab, cos everyone else hv to go for a fire drill briefing.. n as a floor leader, i had been briefed before, so there's no need for me to go.. hehehee..

i'm hving a tremendous craving for m&ms chocolate.. no idea why.. yest i had a good 200g of it.. today, i crave for more.. eeks.. n finally i get to hv my tau suan.. hehe.. my good postgrad bought me green bean soup on Tues when i really wanted tau suan, but well, shant turned down a good will..

these few days i'm busy with helping out with NUS freshmen, in particular those staying in PGP. so i've gone back to sch a few times, but starkingly PGP does not bring back that much memories any more. perhaps the times hv changed, the ppl hv changed. o well.. it's good to be there nonetheless, n last nite, we played polar bear.. hehe.. a game which can evoke much fun, esp when i always end up killing the hunters instead of the bears.. :P

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

a dull ache is gnawing on the inside of me, n it's not jus mere physical fatigue of muscle pain.. but that of sentimental sadness.. i guess it always gets to me this way, after i hv spent some good time with a bunch of ppl n suddenly it all comes to an end, i'm transported back into present-time, n there's nothing i can do bout it..

worse still, i got the feeling when i got home that i had never left, that things were how i left them, n i could possibly b dreaming the whole KK trip. It gave me the creeps.

sighz.. anyway, climbing Mt K is an experience that one mus go thru once in a lifetime. hehh.. n after some thoughts, i really dun mind going there again. like how i said to my groupmates: it's a memorable thing to do with someone special. ;)

well, i'm trying my best to label all the photos to upload them, but at the moment still got some more to go.. tho i din really take that many photos, i'm hoping to get more from the other ppl's cam.. will upload them soonest possible.. till then, my bed awaits..


for the month of July, my calender says:
"To him that is determined it remains only to act."
--Italian Proverb

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

*egad.. sharing a file is harder than i think.. eeks.. was trying out yahoo! briefcase but they disable the function oredi.. haiz.. so tis option will hv to do for now.

onli for those interested in my Mt K climbing route:
go to
type in my userID: lilpiggie
n my password is: streamload
then u shd b able to see the files under Inbox

ps: look at the time.. Orooo... X.x
finally i can blog! tho' i hv to settle some other stuff b4 i can pop off to bed.. n i hv a feeling tt i overpacked.. :(

actually i wanted to write a long entry about my 5 days in Bangkok to keep u all company during my absence for yet another 5 days.. but i barely made it thru day 1 yesterday (imagine all the boring details i include there.. :P), so i can onli leave u all with the pretty pictures on yahoo! photos, which painstakingly took up my Sun aft nap jus to put the captions on them.. tis explains why i m so pooped today, i even slept for a good 30mins at work..

hm, i m bringing Dazai's short stories to read while i m away. not too sure whether i will ever b left alone in the group of strangers, so at least i will hv the book to accompany me.. hee.. aiya.. mb not that bad lah, i did get to know some of them, n there's that ultra frenly guy in my group whose a Christian, but 3 years younger than me.. *dang.. hahaa.. i seem to bond better with guys in that age group, guys born in the year of the pigs.. hm, one does wonder.. :P

okie, i'm putting the itinery for my Mt K climb for those interested to view it, so that u can mark where i'd b on what day at what time.. yea, i know u all will miss me.. *perasan.. haa.. :P

take care ppl.. i'll miss u all too.. :)


*SMiLE* is something miraculous in life's everyday

Friendship isn't how long u've been together, it isn't how much u've given or received, nor how many times u've helped each other, but it's how u value one another. (an sms fwded by a fren, which i value loads! n i'd like to share with all my b'loved frens. may our friendship never ends!)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

i'm BACK!! haha.. miss me, miss me? *grinz..

tt's all i'm gg to say for now. came back late after din with my bro n his gf (tt's the potential someone i mentioned b4.. hehe..), n kinda tired after unpacking tho my mom is the one doing all the laundry duty... hee... :P

then tmr (or rather later today) i'll b hitting the coast with Fongky (!!!) for a 5-click event organised by NUS.. hmm.. i need the run after what i hv pocketed in my tummy.. hehh..


Monday, July 04, 2005

hmm... how can i go overseas without a final word here? *grinz.. (yes, this is one of the needful things to be done before i hit the bed.. :P) well, esp when i leave tis blog at such a sad tone last week.. not to worry, nothing remains the same in tis world..

thursday was also the day that i found out the nitty gritty details of my new contract from my colleague (which did not really stir tt much of an interest in me then), which he heard unofficially from the admin staff, NOT from my boss.. hehh.. it seems that the next contract will not be such a tied down after all, that it will be a normal 1-month notice, minus all the threat of forfeiting a sum of 3-months' salary. *great* tis wld mean tt i can hang on to my current job while looking for another one. anyway, my boss said the new postdoc wld come by the end of July, so less qualms for me to leave the job if i make a nice pass-over of my work to him. (and Friday, my boss told my colleague that he has signed approval for his contract to be renewed, which I think mine wld b too, cos my colleague said that out renewal is printed on the same piece of paper. then again, my boss made no mention to me.. haiz..)

that day, on my way back home, i saw, along the road, a group of men using their hands to paint the worn-out railing.. they were having fun. i smiled.

Hands. Rail. Paint.

something as simple as that made me smile. :)

over the weekends, my church hosted foreign delegates from many Asian cities for our very first Youthnet Gateway Cities Convention, plus a combined morning service at Expo (think: long mrt ride..). it was a *rah-rah* time, n of cos, a very touching time for me too. i'm glad to have Steff n Rosie back in Spore.. ;)

oooh.. n as much as i look fwd to Bangkok tmr (less than 12 hrs!!).. i cant wait for tis cmg Sat when i come back.. hehee.. a prospective *someone* is gg to meet me n my mom at the airport.. more juicy details then.. hahaa.. shall try hard to miss u all.. *grinz.. nah, u all know i do, from the bottom of my heart, n u can tell from the bottom of ur stomach too when i bring all the goodies back.. hehe..

cheerios ppl.. have a good week, which may be peace n quiet to some, without me ard! :D