Tuesday, April 12, 2005

today is spring cleaning day.. hahaha.. i know, i know.. it's not anywhere near chinese new year, or any public holiday in that respect, but MOMIE IS COMING HOME TODAY!!! *grinz..

took another off day. i think i enjoy taking off days too much. might b bad esp if i exhaust them all... well, nowhere near that yet, still hav 11 more off days.. :)

one whole morning of getting my room cleaned up, n organized.. i'm now a proud lady of the house. i think i like this feel, of cleaning the house n getting everything neat n tidy. then i'll spend the time listening, or rather blasting, music from my comp while reading a book. it feels good, feels like i own this place n there's nothing else i need to do but to keep this place in order. then the rest of the time i can jus do whatever pleases me. tt's good. haha.. sadly, life is not as simple, or mb it's jus perceived as such...

weekend was good, but very tiring. learnt that being saved n being safe are two very different thing. it is one thing to know that in Christ i am saved... n yet another to say i am safe. it may just not be so. life has its perils, i may embark into one of them n lose everything in it. i dun know. i'm still working out on this aspect. tt's all i can say for now..

ooh.. my GB girls won SILVER in the competition !!! so proud of each n every one of them.. *beam.. so waking up at 5am on Sat, going down to Fairfield Methodist Sec Sch, sending them all the way to Sentosa in their bus coach.. well, all that is definitely not wasted.. it wasnt wasted at the start of that day anyway, cos i know each of them really treasure the support. love them, now am going to miss them cos me dunno what else is going to happen next. with the end of this competition, it kinda marks the end of my work with them. hmm.. shall see what else comes next...

okies, the lady of the house now wishes to return to her books, with her Avril Lavinge blasting in her ears.. yes, she likes a pear from the fridge too... *poof...

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