Monday, April 04, 2005

i din know that red wine, plus a late night teh-ping can make me stay up one whole night. hehh.. well, i needed to work on the Bible qstns for last Sat's Sentosa. n it has been a long while since i made do with an hour of sleep before another hectic day. Saturday started off raining, n i hadnt planned for that. n i din hv any wet plan for the GB girls.. aiks.. so a lot of hiccups, but a lot of make-do oso lah.. so the whole thing wasnt that bad, but it wasnt as good as it wld hv been on a dry day either. oh well.. i jus thank God that i had enough helpers, n my dear maties were excellent on that day, esp the one who bao-kah-liao the games for me.. ;)

yea, the red wine bit was my boss' idea of further teaching us how to appreciate red wine. previously my postgrad got us some chip n beer to wind down after a most tense week for my lab. then my boss started to teach us about wine - Bordeaux wine, Australian wine... even went onto brandy n whiskey. hehh.. so last Fri, he decided to let us try some French wine from Bordeaux. quite a good one, really. but it took a while for the wine to oxidise n the taste to be less tangy n sharp. n i ordered pizza for the whole gang cos me thot u shd drink the wine with some food. (as i read in some books, that people wash the meat down with wine...)

well, i'm excited for my GB girls. they'd b gg for their competition tis Sat, gg against 57 other companies, not easy, but i'm sure the girls can handle the situation well. sad thing is tt i wun b able to b of much help or use on that actual day, cos i'll b more of a spectator, n a very distant spectator too. cos i m not sposed to be near to the girls to offer them any help. so i opted to go for my church conference instead. but shall give them a lil coach prep talk b4 they go off to Sentosa.. hehh.. this is sth that i learnt from last Sun's bible class.

ooh.. on that note, i've graduated from my bible class!! heee.. still got one more class to make-up actually, but they allow me to grad first. it reminded me acutely of NUS graduation day. of cos there wasnt a grad gown to wear for tis event lah.. but it was the same gg up the stage to get the cert. only diff is tt my senior pastor prayed for us, n i got to sit 2nd row away from the stage for service. so near to Ps Khong while he was preaching, so scary. even tho i slept onli a wink the night before, i dared not fell asleep in front of Pastor. hehh.. n he looked at the front row several times too.. so paiseh if i fell asleep! n me being one of the graduands. hahaa..

got new books to read. today went over to Lee Wee Nam to photocopy some docs, then stumbled onto Jap books!!! greedy me, took up a stack of 6 books in one go, n used up the remaining quota of my staff lib card. m so happy. hehee.. then last wkend, me managed to get two of Coelho's books: Veronika Decides to Die and Eleven Minutes. i'm not too sure whether i wld hv the time to read n use all these books.. hope so, hope so.. anywayz, better get started with my Jap.. getting late now.. toodles~

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