Thursday, April 07, 2005


yes, it has been a long while since i shout out that kinda greeting on my blogpage. hee.. :)

jus feel joyous today. gg to be half day at work, then the rest of the afternoon will b spent at town. this is good. a break that i much needed. will pop by to an art exhibition by Samuel Teo, hope it is sth good, my first taste of Christian art. :D

well, i din take half day off jus to go out n enjoy but cos i thot i needed to do so for my church conference tis weekend, starting tonite. but i guess it was unnecessary cos today's session will onli start at ard 7pm, so i hv time to bum ard.. hee.. i dun mind that either.. hmm.. looking fwd to a great day~! hope the same goes for u!!!

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