Friday, April 08, 2005

had a most interesting day. n yes, it is GOOD to take half day off from work. mb i shd do that more often. *grinz..

went Orchard searching high n lo for the firstlove art exhibition. apparently i forgot the address, jus knew tt it was near Borders. almost lost hope in ever finding it, n was thinking whether to call up dear ol' Fongky n ask her to chk on the web for me. well, thank God i managed to find it finally altho it is really in a very recluse place - Shaw Centre. perhaps it is overshadowed by Lido, as tt's where most of the crowd usu goes to.

hmm.. my first Christian art exhibition.. what to say. how to compare. it's really a different feel altogether from Teo Eng Seng's @ Holland V. tho i started off with the same 'chicken' feeling of entering the exhibition alone. somehow quite scared, n had to pace outside the shop a while before gathering enough courage to enter. (perhaps, i shd hv called Fongky to ask for directions, then can drag her down too. hehh..) well, Mr Samuel Teo sorta left me alone to view his art. he was expecting his students to come, so... yea, definitely not as frenly n as inviting as the other Mr Teo. but his art is rather self-explanatory n has a very clear message.. not forgetting to mention that he actually wrote his own words with Bible verses either on the side of the canvas or on it. i like the words, it sorta blend in with the art. i like his art, it sorta speaks the words. n Mr Teo is self-taught too, all the more admirable. i left my contact in his guestbook, perhaps he might send me an invite to his next art exhibition.. till then, i might drag other ppl down with me.

after the fresh n refreshing art experience, i made my way down to Kinokuniya. i know, Borders was nearer to where i was then, but i like Kino more. cos there is this side corridor by a large pane of glass window (tt which Mr J n Fongky n Alex spent our time there last time, n which has now become my fave spot), n it's absolutely marvellous to sit there hours to read a book (yea, i still dun hv the habit of buying books, not yet..). it reminds me of the shot in Lost in Translation where the woman sat by the window sill of the high-rise building overlooking the skyscrapers in Japan. i like that kind of feel. sadly they hv removed the tables n chairs outside the balcony belonging to coffee club. all the better actually, cos then less intrusion of privacy for my part. hehh..

read Anna and Mister God today. been wanting to read that book for some time. n it's very good, very thought provoking. the darnest thing is that i din get to finish reading it, n even worse than that, well.. i read the last chapter. cos i wanted to know how Anna died. not that it was the most impt bit of the story, cos i believe how she lived her life as the central theme of the book. so i will still go back to finish up the first part of the trilogy. not too sure whether i can make so many trips back to Kino.. o well, shall see how.. :)

tonite church conference rox! hahaa.. i like the lighting.. they did wonders with it. but of cos, the main focus is God. n yups, u bet Mister God is there alright! hahaa.. he's everywhere.. he's in my middle.. *grinz.. tho i felt quite heavy, quite burdened by the msg.. but it's a good sort of heaviness.. another 2 more days of conference.. then combined church service tis Sun.. yup yup yup.. looking forward to them all.. hee.. better than working.. :P

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