Friday, July 30, 2004

today, there is going to be a new addition to the Chin family.. no, not another daughter-in-law, n definitely not a son-in-law.. that one is not ready yet.. akaka... well, i'll be having a new roomie.. hehehe... no, i'm not talking about my momie.. *grinz.. me agreed to house my fren for a month's trial n see how she likes it here.. apparently her name has a Chin in it too.. so a rare addition to my family indeed.. well, it's gonna be fun, n she's shifting in today.. hehehe.. this will help her when she starts working this Sunday.. then she doesnt need to travel all the way from JB to Spore to work.. well well well.. this is going to be fun, i guess this is me on a return back to hall life.. hehee.. :D

Saturday, July 24, 2004

yesh, i shd b sleeping again at this hour of the night.. but my mind wun give me rest until i say out what is kept bouncing off the neural networks in there.. well, today i had an eye opening time at a Buddhist temple. not my 1st time in a temple as my dad was a Buddhist last time, n i'd been to some before when i was young. but ever since becoming a Christian, i guess i hav not as much stepped into one, jus walked past onli.

well, finally i get to feel what it is like to be on the other side. when i read the book about Buddhism, i could not really understand what it was saying. when my fren told me bout what he believed in, i could not share his belief. then i paused n wondered, is this how it has been like for the people who i hav approached n shared my faith with? were they of the same state as i was today?.. if yes, then finally i can understand why..

but it was a good time spent anyway. strange, n seemingly out of place for me to go there.. but heck, if u know me, i'll do anything not only for the fun of it, but also to satisfy my curiosity. hehh.. i wonder when my curiosity will kill me.. :P

Friday, July 23, 2004

i shd be sleeping, but heck.. mb jus a line or two. it has been another long while since i came here. heck, why does the font looks so nice in the create post page that i am typing now? mb i shall change the font in my blogpage soon, or mb revamp the whole site.. getting too boring with the blue sky, when all u can see day in, night out is the dark grey sky..

well, convo is really done n over with. n this crazy girl went there like 8 times. hehh.. record breaking, eh? well, i took a lot of photos too. when i get the time, i shd upload them n share them here.. hee.. :)

momie is now busy looking for a new house for my brothers to buy n settle in. it would be good then. finally a house to call our own, not that the one i'm staying in is any less, but there would be a different feel to the new house. of course, it would be bigger. big enough to house a doggie for my 2nd brother. dun ask me why he's so enthu bout getting a doggie. i dun mind. haha.. okie, i will own up to it that i'll be so thrilled to hav one in the house. over the weekend of my birthday, there was a shizu doggie that stayed over cos my bro's fren was shifting house. it was the most adorable, almost soft toy-like. i guess it was then that the doggie flame was kindled in my bro's heart. jus hav to learn how to deal with the dung better in the park next time.. hmm.. takes skills n experience, know!

tired. was running jus now. needed to train. jus calculated the other day with fongky, n bro Teoh corrected my estimation of 10k per hour. mus b 10.5km/h, said he. can die.. then we'd b using the half marathon as our training ground.. to be completed in 2.5hours.. *gulp*.. n i jus did a 8*350m in less than 20mins, n the pace was not slow at all.. imagine if i hav to keep up at that for the next 220mins! i can really die... somebody help me.. take me out of this craze...

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

my poor abandoned blog.. haha.. lemme liven u up with a few headlines that are a-happening in my life right now:



haha.. that shd about summarise the hu-hah in my life right now. let's see.. for the smaller details, i went back to sch on Mon, the day before my convo. there was this feeling of emptiness in me, the kind that i always get when i'm about to leave a place, about to move on. well, since i was at OSA to collect my ECA testimonial, i thot, hey, why not a walk up memory lane?

there has been so much construction in that building lately. even the "fish tank" is now more colourful. shall wait until it's near exam time before one can see the fish start swarming in the "tank". hehe.. but the engine bridge was most disappointing. it was still under construction, n i suddenly recalled the picture in the book 'turn left, turn right' where the fountain was under construction. sigh, such similarities felt cos the place held so much meaning to me in my yester-years of studying in NUS, as i think it held for the two characters in the book.

convo day was great! managed to take photo with my lab ppl, even with my prof. hehh.. time to get my thesis binded so that i can give it to my prof tgether with the photos. n it was good to be able to graduate tgether with all my batchmates. we took so many photos tgether on the staircase after the whole ceremony.. the camera was jus flashing n flashing.. n i guess a lot of ppl was wondering when were we ever getting off from that staircase.. hee.. too bad we had to hoard it for a while, well, mb a longer while.. hehh..

then brother Teoh was of much help. (yea, Seanie, mus thank ur brother for being there.. heee..) he being the photographer.. hahh, i think i abuse him that night.. then again, what are frens for.. hehee.. :)

okies, i gotta be off for another of my fren's convo this morning.. chiaoz ppl.. u will be hearing from me again soon..