Tuesday, June 08, 2004

yayy.. finally hav a room of my own at my bro's place. his fren (the other tenant) shifted out last Sun, n i din hav time to clean up or move into the room until today.. Sun was one busy day.. my first Sunday at work in Poh Hua, come think of it. O, there weren't that many customers as i feared n things were handled quite well.. n i'm rather satisfied with myself. hehe.. then there was that one night over at sister irene's place. well, i'm glad i survived that.. though i din do so well at work on Mon.. took half a day off.. then took today off as well..

okies, as i said, i'm sure glad i shifted my stuff into this roomie, even this comp.. n the fan is working jus nicely. need a mattress though.. so for now, i shall still b sleeping outside in the living room.. heee...

well, all this is still rather temporary for now. will have to shift another time for good, perhaps in september... then i can proudly announce really my own room.. hehee.. ;)

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