Friday, June 18, 2004

first thing as i started my comp today, i knew that i want to blog, i need to blog, blog, BLOGGG!!.. hahaha.. been seriously neglecting this blogpage.. bad owner, bad bad baddd owner.. hahahaa..

well, lemme be the first to blog this down before anyone else did: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF.. hahaha.. i know i'm personally asking for u ppl to drop a line of greeting on this entry.. no, not just asking, i'm demanding for bday well wishes, okie!.. hehehee.. that's jus me, too thick skin for my own good.. :p

had many bday treats this year. and i'm realli thankful, though some may take a pressie to b more meaningful, tt's not for me. i'd rather spend time with ppl. tt's more meaningful to me. ;) lemme say a heartfelt thanks to all ye ppl who hav (or going to) treated me for my bday.. love u all..

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