Wednesday, June 02, 2004

i woke up with a start yesterday. really, i screamed when i opened my eyes. i knew i was late, somehow. then i even shocked my bro's fren (the other tenant in the house) cos he took the day off to do work in his new apartment. haha, i guess i never cease to amaze myself, at what i am capable to do. so within 10 to 15 mins i managed to get myself ready for work, even make 2 half boiled eggs for my bro, it being his bday yest. phew.. even managed to get to work not only on time, but much earlier. haha..

then on the bus, i met him!!! i met my fgg!.. hehe.. actually i knew he goes to work taking either the internal shuttle bus C, cos i met him once when i was almost late for my coop work.. but of all the morning to bump into him, it had to be this morning when i was most unprepared, most in a daze.. haiz.. n i din notice him at the right end of the bus when i myself was seated at the left end.. double haiz.. anyway, as i got off the bus, i noticed him.. yayy.. got to talk to him after so long. a lil awkward though.. hahaa.. but it was good... that's what fgg exist for, to make one feel good.. heh heh hehhh.. :p

ooh, lemme tell u bout another guy i hav admiration for. but i wun say he's my fgg. haha.. a girl can onli hav tis many fggs, n this status is not granted to every guy, u know. heee.. i met him accidentally on the bus oso, on my way back from my waitressing work. he's a waiter at my place oso, but for tis few weeks he has been assigned to work at another outlet in Orchard. i admire him for his aptitude in work. he's really sturdy n steady when he's serving ppl. really admirable. though not much of a speaker, he doesn't need to.. i like him this way.. heee.. so meeting him on the bus again was really good.

haiz.. besides being pre-occupied with guys.. well, i'm still waiting for replies from all the job applications.. hope something would come up soon... my mom is starting to get worried.. me, well, i'm getting a lil depressed these days.. that's why need all the guys i can find to make my feel happy.. hahaha.. well, going out today.. no, not with any fgg.. but with my favourite girl, n another mutual fren.. going to watch movie.. but up til now, i can say nothing beats shrek2.. hehehe.. ;)

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