Thursday, June 10, 2004

finally got to jog today. my 3rd time after i shifted out of pgp. guess it is a lack of nice jogging place, n lack of good company. well, today i went for a jog with dear sister Aeriel (yes, ming n wayz, the same Aeriel that u guys know.. nyanyanyaa..).. n we went along the clementi canal! fongky told me bout it last time n i've been wanting to jog there, n finally did that today. n boy, it was satisfying. the canal is beautiful! albeit a lil scary at night.. but for the mad xiao-onze woman like me, nothing is to be feared, not when i hav a black belt taekwondo partner with me.. hehehe.. aye, it was a good run. we din run all the way, but we walked all the way to the end. there was nothing much there, n i guess the beauty of the canal remains jus as breath-taking as the front bit.

hrm.. me love the canal. makes me think of ol' times. yups. that's the summary of today for u guys. tmr is thursday, dreadful thursday when my lady boss will be ard.. argh... nightmare starts at 9am to 5pm.. how i wish i can escape to my class outing instead, but i took too many off's here n there on either mondays or thursdays n i feel bad to be leaving my comrades behind in the battle by themselves. i need to help them out, be it that i need to take the whole arsenal of assault all by myself.. so be it!.. come ba!! hehehe.. :p

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