Saturday, June 19, 2004

it has been some time since i last posted a song lyrics here, cos i always find that it takes up a lot of unnecessary space.. haha.. but not for this song. i guess i never knew this song until fongky chose to sing it during our first karaoke session tgther with the Poh Hua ppl.. n the lyrics really jumped out at me, really meaningful.. thanks fongky.. i love this song, n it speaks volumes about our frenship, doesnt it? ;)

Eternity - Robbie Williams

Close your eyes so you don't feel them
They don't need to see you cry
I can't promise I will heal you
But if you want to I will try
To sing this summer serenade
The past is done
We've been betrayed
It's true
Some might say the truth will out
But I believe without a doubt in you

You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity
For eternity

Yesterday when we were walking
You talked about your ma and dad
What they did that made you happy
What they did that made you sad
We sat and watched the sun go down
Then picked a star before we lost the moon
Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come
And gone too soon

You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity
For eternity
For eternity

To sing this summer serenade
The past is done
We've been betrayed
It's true

Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come
And gone too soon

You were there for summer dreaming
And you are a friend indeed
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity

You were there for summer dreaming
And you are a friend indeed
And I know you'll find your freedom

For eternity
For eternity

Friday, June 18, 2004

first thing as i started my comp today, i knew that i want to blog, i need to blog, blog, BLOGGG!!.. hahaha.. been seriously neglecting this blogpage.. bad owner, bad bad baddd owner.. hahahaa..

well, lemme be the first to blog this down before anyone else did: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF.. hahaha.. i know i'm personally asking for u ppl to drop a line of greeting on this entry.. no, not just asking, i'm demanding for bday well wishes, okie!.. hehehee.. that's jus me, too thick skin for my own good.. :p

had many bday treats this year. and i'm realli thankful, though some may take a pressie to b more meaningful, tt's not for me. i'd rather spend time with ppl. tt's more meaningful to me. ;) lemme say a heartfelt thanks to all ye ppl who hav (or going to) treated me for my bday.. love u all..

Thursday, June 10, 2004

finally got to jog today. my 3rd time after i shifted out of pgp. guess it is a lack of nice jogging place, n lack of good company. well, today i went for a jog with dear sister Aeriel (yes, ming n wayz, the same Aeriel that u guys know.. nyanyanyaa..).. n we went along the clementi canal! fongky told me bout it last time n i've been wanting to jog there, n finally did that today. n boy, it was satisfying. the canal is beautiful! albeit a lil scary at night.. but for the mad xiao-onze woman like me, nothing is to be feared, not when i hav a black belt taekwondo partner with me.. hehehe.. aye, it was a good run. we din run all the way, but we walked all the way to the end. there was nothing much there, n i guess the beauty of the canal remains jus as breath-taking as the front bit.

hrm.. me love the canal. makes me think of ol' times. yups. that's the summary of today for u guys. tmr is thursday, dreadful thursday when my lady boss will be ard.. argh... nightmare starts at 9am to 5pm.. how i wish i can escape to my class outing instead, but i took too many off's here n there on either mondays or thursdays n i feel bad to be leaving my comrades behind in the battle by themselves. i need to help them out, be it that i need to take the whole arsenal of assault all by myself.. so be it!.. come ba!! hehehe.. :p

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

yayy.. finally hav a room of my own at my bro's place. his fren (the other tenant) shifted out last Sun, n i din hav time to clean up or move into the room until today.. Sun was one busy day.. my first Sunday at work in Poh Hua, come think of it. O, there weren't that many customers as i feared n things were handled quite well.. n i'm rather satisfied with myself. hehe.. then there was that one night over at sister irene's place. well, i'm glad i survived that.. though i din do so well at work on Mon.. took half a day off.. then took today off as well..

okies, as i said, i'm sure glad i shifted my stuff into this roomie, even this comp.. n the fan is working jus nicely. need a mattress though.. so for now, i shall still b sleeping outside in the living room.. heee...

well, all this is still rather temporary for now. will have to shift another time for good, perhaps in september... then i can proudly announce really my own room.. hehee.. ;)

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

i woke up with a start yesterday. really, i screamed when i opened my eyes. i knew i was late, somehow. then i even shocked my bro's fren (the other tenant in the house) cos he took the day off to do work in his new apartment. haha, i guess i never cease to amaze myself, at what i am capable to do. so within 10 to 15 mins i managed to get myself ready for work, even make 2 half boiled eggs for my bro, it being his bday yest. phew.. even managed to get to work not only on time, but much earlier. haha..

then on the bus, i met him!!! i met my fgg!.. hehe.. actually i knew he goes to work taking either the internal shuttle bus C, cos i met him once when i was almost late for my coop work.. but of all the morning to bump into him, it had to be this morning when i was most unprepared, most in a daze.. haiz.. n i din notice him at the right end of the bus when i myself was seated at the left end.. double haiz.. anyway, as i got off the bus, i noticed him.. yayy.. got to talk to him after so long. a lil awkward though.. hahaa.. but it was good... that's what fgg exist for, to make one feel good.. heh heh hehhh.. :p

ooh, lemme tell u bout another guy i hav admiration for. but i wun say he's my fgg. haha.. a girl can onli hav tis many fggs, n this status is not granted to every guy, u know. heee.. i met him accidentally on the bus oso, on my way back from my waitressing work. he's a waiter at my place oso, but for tis few weeks he has been assigned to work at another outlet in Orchard. i admire him for his aptitude in work. he's really sturdy n steady when he's serving ppl. really admirable. though not much of a speaker, he doesn't need to.. i like him this way.. heee.. so meeting him on the bus again was really good.

haiz.. besides being pre-occupied with guys.. well, i'm still waiting for replies from all the job applications.. hope something would come up soon... my mom is starting to get worried.. me, well, i'm getting a lil depressed these days.. that's why need all the guys i can find to make my feel happy.. hahaha.. well, going out today.. no, not with any fgg.. but with my favourite girl, n another mutual fren.. going to watch movie.. but up til now, i can say nothing beats shrek2.. hehehe.. ;)