Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tomorrow I'd be going for 15km NB real run. Low confidence that I'd get good timing because I have not been training much lately. Low confidence. That's the phrase. I sat for a test today. I can't say it turned out badly. In fact, I'm glad that I could understand the questions. Just that getting them correctly answered may be a different thing altogether.

Actually it was more of the sequence of events that happened before that which actually made me feel as I do now. How I wish I could have reacted differently. A better handle in my work and study life. There has to be a balance, somehow.

Anyway, just want to share that as I was walking towards Jurong East MRT on Friday night, I suddenly felt that I'm just an ordinary person in the midst of so many people. Just one of the many many people. And yet I felt at ease with this fact. No, I did not feel insignificant. It made me feel alright that I could hide myself in the midst of so many people. No one knows who I am, what I do. They just see me as a girl, going up the escalator to the platform. I like that. Maybe that explains why I like being in Singapore, a place with so many people.

Ah, life...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Told FK that I'd write in a post today.

Yes, it has been an eventful day. We were expecting reporters, and being the "camera shy" that I am (yea, right!), I did not want to appear in camera while doing real work. So I went in early to settle my work, which is quite a norm nowadays. Then I was settling some paperwork (oh God, there's so much paperwork to do!), when in walked my boss. I did not expect him to be so early because I thought he would be attending the opening ceremony at the other building.

Anyway, to cut the long story short, he mentioned much later that the reporters were not coming to our lab. I think I could understand better why he did not appear up there in the morning now. Hehh... Then the whole day went like a breeze. Trying to create prospective worksheet for the new reports is just terrible. I'd still need to optimize on that step.

Talked to my colleagues a lot today. Maybe that's one of my main time-wasters, but sometimes such talks are rather important in fostering good working relationship, no? Haiz... Anyway, things are moving upscale in my lab, and we are all mighty uncomfy about it... O well, to learn how to cope...

Phrases for today and the past week: policy, starfish, cascade of events.. Hahas...

Love my colleagues! We went for dinner together. It was rather impromptu, but since my mom isn't around, and it was rather late by the time we left the lab, so we went to Seah Im hawker centre to eat. And we continued to talk there. My colleagues are very fun n a laughing lot. Haa.. Love them, love them. =D

And here me quote this: an apple a day does not keep the doctor(s) away, at least not for me and my colleagues. Hahaa...

Monday, October 06, 2008

I've finished my assignment!!! =D

Felt like how the first assignment paper on kidney sale was like. Only that this time, I think I put in more effort. Hee... Yes, it is going to get better.

Go, go, go...

Saturday, October 04, 2008

i'm crazy over this song now...

the heart of the matter is
...a matter of the heart...

Friday, October 03, 2008

Well, there's some sunshine after the rain. =)

We got a new doctor attached to our lab for training in molecular pathology. He has his ways of making himself likeable and cute. Hahas.. At least cute to me. And he has been quite helpful in releasing tension and stress, although at other times, he does add on a lot more stress.. Hmm..

In regards to studies, I felt poorly again. As usual, not as prepared as I would have liked. I did not even attend the meeting that my group had because I realized a day before that the meeting was set at 330pm. Such an untimely hour! The fact that my colleague was on leave, means that a lot of the routine work had to be covered by me. So there was no going off for meeting. Perhaps it was better that way. I did try to contribute... O sigh...

Today I announced to my labmates my expected day, or rather my "miss expiry". Well, it's probably wrong English, or wrong phrasing. To me, it just means that is a day that I will not be a "miss" anymore. Hahas... I put that "miss expiry" date at the back of chocolate bars, but they did not really take note until I asked them. So finally they understood. =)

Work is work

Study is study

Wa, that sounds most philosophical... =P

Ultimately, life is good!