Wednesday, June 21, 2006

bye bye NTU

that's what i've been waiting for, to announce to the whole wide world. but first i need to be sure, n i need to inform my boss first before i put anything up here. for someone who likes to google a lot, i'm not surprised if one day he lands at my site for inspection. hee... but the beans are out of the bag since Monday as i got my contract from ORI last Sat.

still, i feel somewhat sad at the prospect of leaving. kinda sad n hard to announce to ppl.. but i'd rather they hear it from me than from someone else, esp those closer friends i hv come to know here in NTU. so the ball is now set rolling n my last day of work is on 21 July.. break for the weekend before i start work at my new place on 24 July. i wonder how it wld b like there...

hmm.. a lot of question marks to be filled.

p/s: n also bye bye to my tagboard. it's somehow become heavily spammed, so now i've removed it..

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