Thursday, June 29, 2006

I had a most excellent serving of red wine last week. My postgrad decided to entreat us to a bottle of Margaux. Excellent and well accomplished, really! I enjoyed every bit of it, and every sublimation of tranquility in the taste. My boss told us it's mainly consisting of blackcurrant, so it's quite different from the usual red wine that i consume - Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz and Merlot. So it's refreshing and tantalizing. And it's costly too. Cost my postgrad a bomb. He mentioned that every 10ml is about $1plus, so that amount to about $70+ for a 750ml bottle.

Sighh.. I miss the taste of that red wine. Much as I adhere to cocktails and beers (which is even at a rarer occasion), I realise that I enjoy much more the refinery in the taste of wine.

Ah, to wait for the second brother's much awaited opening ceremony of the Ice Wine, or should I more aptly say Eiswein. Well, for that to happen, I guess it doesn't take much understanding for his pretty girlfriend (soon to be wife; I'm waiting for that to happen too) to come to our house, and a very good reason for my belief being rooted that the wine is now currently at her place. *grinz.

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