Monday, March 27, 2006

a fortnight went by, then a month...
soon another month will follow suit.

and this will go on, so i must decide to blog NOW. ;)

today after my interview,
i saw a sis-in-Christ,
saw her from afar,
saw her being happy.

and because of that, i too, am happy for her.

let me breeze through what's been happening in my life thus far...

of shoes, sizes and socks:

went on fateful day to look out for running shoes with FK at Queenstown. felt like the shoe spirit has deserted that place. where have all the good shoes gone to? i was deciding on getting myself an asics. yea, gonna spent a load of money on that. thankfully none of the pattern appeal to me. n oso no other shoes for that matter. i decided to stick onto reebok, but Queenstown has a way of disappointing me with their reeboks variety.

ended up getting my reeboks from Royal Sporting House at my own place. then the size din really fit cos my big toe ached after i wore the shoes for the second time. had it changed at the store. n the manager in charge was kind enough to do for me, despite the obvious dirt marks on the sole. then he was smart enough to give me a feedback form to fill up, in which i rated 'excellent' for customer service.

then another day i went back to get some reeboks socks. finally i cant stand my old socks at home. almost all of them have holes in them. hehh.. decided to buy some nice looking ones - reeboks socks. it feels different when u wear nice socks. my feet agree too. ;P

of full month (12 March):

baby Steph (mark the corrected spelling of her name. no, i dun get to have her name spelt like the superstar Stefanie Sun, cos my mom wun approve of it) went thru her first month. we had a "little" celebration for her, ordered catering for some 50 ppl. so it was a busy Sunday, where i got bullied by a mere 4-year-old, perhaps younger, boy. FK can testify to that. my church family came too, at a much later time of the day when everyone else had gone off. :)

of sore throat (20 March onwards):

for the first time i could comprehend what it meant, or how it felt not being able to talk. it was out of my vocal cord to talk normal, and difficult even to talk above a whisper. n i just dreaded it when there was phone calls for me. thankfully this lasted a day. n til now, i still have coughs.

of interviews:

oh, for those uninformed, my previous interview with Dr Deng did not work out. i guess she found someone else much better n suited to her work. i'm just glad for her. n recently i have others, so i'm just hopeful and prayerful tt i'll get a job soon. :)

of GB enrolment (25 March):

yups, my first time wearing my full officer's uniform. hee.. n granted tt it's not mine, therefore not tailor fit to my size, it looked a little like a baby dress to me. hehee... cos the waist line is too high for me, n it's too broad too. but for the benefit of the girls n to WL who went to see me in uniform, i wore it. n tis weekend, for the HQ event, i'm NOT going to wear it again. hehhh.. i'll gladly go in my white shirt n black pants, thank you very much. not until i get my own uniform tt fits anyway. :P

but it feels good to be finally in uniform. ^^

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