Friday, December 02, 2005


something unpleasant happened at work today. n i told myself nth times that i would not think bout it, i'd not bring it back home with me. still, i cant help it. my mind is unruly, rendering me unable to beg indifference. haiz.. i shd keep whatever happens at work to stay at the workplace. so, enough bout that..

last Wed, i went to watch Harry Potter with my jogging gang! *yippee*.. n i forgive two of them, cos they ditched me n went to watch HP first. (yes, you both did! hehe.. :P) thank God for LexC, it was his first time watching too. :D o well, watching it with them regardless whether it's their second time does not matter cos i enjoyed the show thoroughly! *double yippee* really much better than the 1st and 2nd one. too bad someone has to died. i guess this is what always happens in a drama series, and if u watch "zhen ching" (the 100 over eipsodes chinese drama), u'll know what i mean.. :)

next movie in my mind is Narnia.. nothing else. i allowed the chance to watch Chicken Little with my brother, sis-in-law n my mom slipped by. i told them i wanted to study, but nah, i din even touch my Jap that night; i jus wanted to rest. too much outing for this week oredi. last Tues, i went out my TH girls to celebrate the end of their first exams in NUS. hehh.. we wanted to ice skate, but NTU skating club booked the ring for that night. talk bout coincidence! so we ended up singing out lungs out at the new K-box there. n i sang Miki Imai's Goodbye Yesterday -- lousily, of cos. i forgot how some lines shd sound like. it has been a while since i last listen to her songs.

n now i m blasting Avril Lavinge away on my comp.. yesh, today is not a good day. i just want to forget. all the thoughts, pain, misery inflicted upon myself, by myself. it does not have to be this way, i know. o why o why...


a day is too long,
an hour too short
and that of minutes,
is just not enough.

i miss you.


Sunday... i dread u. i forbid u to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't miss much with Chicken Little: it wasn't that good.