Saturday, December 31, 2005

thot i'd blog a lil today since i'm feeling much better. stimes 'better' is such an understatement because it cant express much of the actual degree, a mere relative term. but if one was to know of my previous state, then one must be able to appreciate my current state.

was able to eat 4 pieces of bread tis morn. yayy.. seems like my appetite has returned to normal. went thru 3 days of excruciating pain when, if one knows the joy i find in eating, i din feel like touching any food. worse was the thought or sight of food made me feel nauseated. sigh.. those were sad days indeed. but thanks to caring thoughts of ppl, words n msgs. they made a world of difference to me. :)

as to how i got sick, i onli got a clearer idea that it mus b the food from HK. (oyea.. for once i went for a trip without blogging beforehand. haha.. was in too much of a rush. went HK from 16th to 26th Dec. spent Christmas there with momie.) i din say that on the 1st day tt i was down with diarrhea cos if it was indeed food poisoning, it was a lil too delayed. then momie got sick too. so tt cant b a coincidence, right!.. esp when no one else in the family got sick. *thank God*

anyway, now momie is better. :)

will tell more bout HK in my next entry. now, onto preparation for new year eve's party to welcome Seanie, who jus touched down in Spore today!!! :D

1 comment:

ice_kachang said...

wow...good to hear from u again! haha, i'm sick these days too. sore throat and diarrhoea. sigh. anyway, glad u're getting up and about again! May u feel ready to receive the new year!~