Saturday, January 07, 2006


yayaya, i know it's the 7th day into the new year, but still, it's a new year, as long as 2006 is here to stay.. hehee..

had a most fun time celebrating the end of 2005 mostly with my sisters from cell, FK (a sister to me, in our special way), n my brothers WL n Seanie (brothers to me, in a special way too.. ;))!! hee.. i'm most glad tt Seanie made his way down all the way from KL to be with us!

we went to the Star Wars exibition. tho i'm not a ra-ra fan of Star Wars but i've watched every episode, esp the older ones with Princess Leia where Harrison Ford has never looked any better (He looks good in Indiana Jones too). so i enjoyed myself when i saw all the miniature models of the characters, n the space ships.. i mus admit tho, the guys mus hv been more thrilled over it, than us girls.. haha.. i cant wait to see all the photos we've taken there.. huhu.. (note to Seanie: send us the photos soon! :))

then at night, we had potluck-style dinner at my place. we took a while to cook the dishes, but it was well worth the wait! hehe.. n the guests got to watch Madagascar while waiting. hee.. after din, we sat ard, laze n daze a while, waiting for the food to digest.. the guests took turn to view my HK photos plus my sister's big family in Sri Aman. hee.. n onli when FK n Steff went off, then the action began. haha.. i decided that the food shd b well digested by then, so we could take out the dance pad to play. i bought a new wireless one from Sim Lim that same day so that two players could go at one time. however, wireless may not be such a great option bcos the wireless connection may be blamed for slow response to the PS2.. heee...

it was jolly fun to see the sisters dancing.. their first time, i tink. nyanyaa.. too bad din take any photo shots of them. i'm sure they had fun. n mb we can do this again another time... *grinz.. Seanie n WL danced v well. i still cant believe they can beat me in beginner mode. haha.. mus challenge them again next time.

then we had countdown, based on an unreliable clock. hahaa.. couldnt switch on TV on time to do countdown with the rest of Spore, n we din pop the grape juice in time either. yet it was still an unforgettable time together with my dear frens, with momie too. :) we blew each candle after making a wish. hehh.. seems like everyone grew a year older after new year. :P

haiz.. the days with Sean in Spore may b short, but it was great. good to hv him down here. i wish he'd come down more often. then again, thinking from the currency exchange rate, mb it's more profitable for me to go up to KL. hee.. shall see how. i still hvnt got over my bad impression of KL when i went down there with a tour group last time.

went JB with my postgrad on 2nd Jan. felt like it's my 1st time in JB tho. i went ard the place with them, went to Danga Bay, then to the Duty Free Area where we had our seafood dinner. that was the highlight of the day -- to eat seafood. cos my postgrad frens are not too keen on shopping or watching movies, which are the two main things tt i go down JB for. anyway, we all ended up happy with the seafood cos it was rather cheap for 4 persons, n we ate loads! hehe.. i'm certainly glad that my appetite has returned after my diarrhea session..

but now i'm down with cough.. err... gone with one, now down with another. i wonder when i will really b well again. i cant wait to function fully n enjoy life. i'm still quite restricted now in the food that i take. but that din stop me from eating my boss' wife's homebaked hazelnut cookies.. *yumz.. richly topped with chocolate n filled with caramel. a lil too sweet, but i'm not complaining. heee.. mb tt's why my cough lasted so long.. *hee.. guilty.. :P

i've really over-typed. my apologies to my readers. i'll keep my blog short n sweet next time, n make more frequent entries. hee.. i've been neglecting my blog, but i hvnt set any new year resolution yet. so we shall see.. hehh.. :)

a final update: there's a new addition to my lab. we finally hv a new PO. someone who can help share my burden in maintaining the lab. she still needs some time to get used to the ropes ard the lab, so i'm not tt harsh on her yet. on top of that she's sorta like my lunch partner now. i hope we dun create too much friction on each other due to the amount of time we spent tgther.. i guess in a while, when things hv settled down for her, it will be better. :)

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