Friday, November 25, 2005

since my mom left the comp on for me to use, why not? carpe diem. hehh..

due to recency effect, i shall start off with what i had been doing today. actually it struck me only this morning that today is thanksgiving day!.. i wanted to be home for dinner on thanksgiving, but today being a Friday, it's also a pre-planned day out between me n Dd, to go to the Art Museum (yea, poor ppl must make full use of free admission. :P). so since 2nd bro never replied whether he would b back home for dinner, i just went out with my fren. anyway, it's not tradition in my family to celebrate thanksgiving day.

the art visit was okay. we browsed thru some of the older exhibits that i saw before, those of the local/regional artists, but this was also because we could not locate where the gallery hosting Gao Xingjian work was. finally we went to the right place, but it was so different. okie, perhaps my glasses had been tainted by the dinner conversation yesterday with S and P (btw, thanks P for organizing the dine-out tgether. :)). still most of his work somehow did not match with what he entitled it. Dd said probably he was famous for his writing, then only his painting became acceptable. and we had a couple of good laughs trying to think what some of them look like to us. by far, we are not very informed art critics, i admit, but even amateurs have their own mind to say about art.

but to give the man a fair fight on an equal ground, i will try some of his writings one of these days. n i do like some of his works, esp the effect of sandy beaches that he has in some paintings. they are like ripples of sand touched by the waves. n after reading what he wanted to represent in his art, one can applaud him for his noble notion, n try to comprehend the black, the white and the murkiness of them all.

on a less troubling note, this morning i bumped into someone who i thought i would never see again. he's the sales rep from Pearson that my ex-boss from the bookshop used to tease me about. well, he's a good-looking sort, so it was really a pleasant surprise to see him again. alas, he remembered me not, and i had to explain where i used to work once, and we did not get to talk long. haiz.. but that made my day.. *grinz...

as for yest, after S left, what would two girls do in city hall? instead of the usual 'shop till you drop', we opted for 'walk till you drop'.. grinz.. we went walking around though there is not much Christmas lighting to see there. i like the big golden Christmas tree in front of Raffles City. makes me feel like ppl shd gather under the tree on Christmas eve, sing carols, do countdown and light up the tree at the count of twelve. :) somehow i think i will miss not having Christmas in Spore...

speaking of which, the Christmas lighting at Orchard is not that spectacular.. the standard has downgraded yet again. what a sad thing! gone is the grandeur of yesteryears!.. sad sad..


Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving is on Thursday not you were a day too late...And where was our dinner? Hehe...J

Anonymous said...

"Carpe Diem" means "Seize the day", not "seize the computer" ;P

lil piggie said...

whuehh.. n i thot thanksgiving is a month before Christmas.. *acks.. so no guilty feeling then cos i was home on Thurs.. ^^

and me thot carpe diem is 'seize the occasion'.. haha.. so heck.. :P

ice_kachang said...

haha, actually i didn't really organise it lah...maybe both of us did? haha, next time must make S do it. nice time walking with ya...and drinking...tho' some 'adventure' happened after that...tell u next time :)

lil piggie said...

haha.. u try making him organise one, n i'll salute u *big grinz*.. n pls, do tell me.. i'm all ears.. (tho i mus say my ears are quite small.. hehe..)