Sunday, November 20, 2005

money woes

(no, it doesnt sound uplifting,
in fact, i may need facelifting..)

haiz.. tried booking hotels for the past week for my Christmas stay in HK. first few nights would b okie cos sharing an apartment with my sis-in-law's colleague, onli had to look for hotel stay for both Christmas eve n Christmas nite. so tried hotel A, fully booked.. tried hotel B, fully booked.. [goodness!].. tried hotel C, fully booked too... n tt's not all.. online booking requires to put the money in my account on hold, n they dun do immediate transfer once my booking has been cancelled. *pulls hair* so now, got quite a sum of money that i can see but cant touch.. *ouch*...

called the bank just now.. yea, i'm so desperate as to call the bank on a Sunday.. n the lady was nice enough to tell me to fax over the void slips tmr n they will offset the money back into my account on the very same day. *phew* n normally, if there's no action taken, they will wait for 8 working days before putting the money back into my account.. *gag*.. can u imagine that?!

got a not very good news oso that my bonus may not come in until next year. was hoping to get that by tis month then i can spend a lil more lavishly in my HK trip. o well, perhaps i m meant to be more jimat cermat then.. n heck, if i can do it for less than S$500 in Tokyo over a stay of 9 days. i believe HK wld b okie.. jus that there wld b 2 mouths to feed.. :S i need to save more money to travel safe n in style next time.. hahaa... which wld b very long away cos, after HK, there's a negative balance in my off days.. haa... :P

mm.. something more enlightening, but still very related to work.. last night, i was telling LexC, PR n YC that i can wash glassware until they are very clean.. then they all laughed.. onli today i found out how untrue that self-proclaimed statement was... a few bottles still had stains in them after autoclaving.. sigh.. one must revise her skills at times n eat the humble pie.. ;P

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