Sunday, November 20, 2005

all work and no play makes sze yung a dull girl.. :(

been busy with work lately. down with cough too. but not horrible enough to claim MC. *thank God* grinz... yea, i rmbr the time when i wished i was so sick that i cant come to work. now i jus feel the social discomfort that i may spread to others. but looks like no one in my lab is getting sick. *thank God again*

oyea, mus welcome my new blog visitors from my workplace - my two postgrad frens. hehh.. well, so much for bitching bout work. now hv to say onli good things bout work. :P no lah... they know as much as i do what research life is like. haiz..

o well.. so much for updates.. this is all i hv to say for now: back to work!

life is sad, aint it? :P
will bring more uplifting news next time. :)

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