Sunday, October 02, 2005

i'm back!!! :D

i finally got a taste of Japan, n boy, i am thankful for it. actually i mb one of the weirdest kind of ppl ard. i dun really know why i want to go over there so much because i've not really seen the land yet. 5 years back, i know nuts about Japan. then i got hooked. it has grown steadily, from anime to language, then to the culture n history (forgotten most of that tho').. there's jus a strong affinity for Japan. i hadnt been to the place then n yet i felt sure that i can stay there for some time, n see what can be done there. then this opportunity came along. sure, why not.. hop on to see the land. n it's gorgeous. Japan is jus what i felt it is all along. mb i shd keep my definition to Tokyo onli, since i've onli been there. yet it feels as if the rest of Japan wld feel the same to me as well. i'm in love with the place even before setting eyes on it. (trust me, i'm not the kind to flip on the Discovery Travel channel.)

well, the whole trip went all right. i enjoyed evry bits of it. we did a project SMILE (Sharing Magic In Love Everywhere) with the local Japanese, n had a community outreach to the old folks there. we managed to bring many happy smiles on their faces, n that is so priceless. then the 3 nights of Magic Of Love were great. i picked up new tricks to demo to the audience, as we were selling some of the merchandise. ppl were jus so amazed by simple tricks, n i love their smiles. some were v encouraging even when i had a couple hiccups. hee.. esp this usher, he wld come up to us n say 'show me'. then we cld practise our tricks for him to see. oh, n a professional Jap magician from the project SMILE class would also help us, n he's really quick with his hand movements. i'm amazed.

n i mus say the team is great as well. i had so much fun, laughing at one another. learning so much about the place together. rushing on the train, esp on our ride back to Narita airport. we got on the wrong train, n thank God, one of us spotted it in time before the train went too far from the turning point. n by His grace, we managed to check in at 615pm (our flight was bound to take off at 645pm), n board the plane. :)

oh, n thank God too that i managed to get into Japan. hee.. the visa thinggy did give me a fright there. the immigration officers were very strict to the rule for a visa tho' it is only "highly encouraged". *sigh.. well, i got led into one of those rooms for questioning, n i felt like i was a terrorist suspect. haha.. it sounded like fun now, but the thought came to be there n then, what if they kicked me back to Spore. honestly, thank God, that din happen. o well, i'll be more travel-wise now.. ;)

will post up photos soon! *loving n missing Japan*

p/s: i watched Mr & Mrs Smith (quite a cool movie, really) and The Little Mermaid (yes, again n again, i love this movie) on the flight there. i jus love flights with movies. hee.. tho i fell asleep for most of Kingdom of Heaven on my flight back, i managed to catch Adam Sandler's The Longest Yard. ;D


ice_kachang said...

Is it v troublesome to get a visa for Japan? (pardon my ignorance ;))
How i envy u!! would love to go there one day, but perhaps not Tokyo...haha. lemme look at ur photos one day, k? :)

lil piggie said...

hiiii.. i posted up my photos oredi.. click on the link on the left.. n when can i see u? i wanna see ur new hairdo. hopefully by then i wld hv gotten a long needed haircut for myself. hee.. it cost 3000 over yen to cut my hair in Jap so i thot the better of it.. haha..

ice_kachang said...

thanks for sharing your photos...Tokyo looks quite pretty :) new hairdo doesn't seem new liao...haha :) This week might be OK for me...i sms u to arrange :)