Thursday, September 22, 2005

yes, i shall still blog.. n geez, it's amazing how a lot of things can b changed over a short span of less than 15hrs. look at the draft i typed out tis morn so tt i wun hv to spend so much time here:


well, u know i usu hv the habit of blogging before i go somewhere.. hee.. yups, this is one of those instances.


hehh.. i've been keeping this quiet for a while over the blog cos i wanna surprise some ppl.. *evil me* ;p

yup yup yup.. i'll be gone for ard 9days.. my flight is scheduled to leave at 06 00 hour from Changi n arriving at Narita ard 13 00 hour. 7 hours of flight, so Tokyo shall be the furthest place i've charted to tis year. hee.. well, this is part of a church activity since my senior pastor will b going there to perform the Magic Of Love, i'm taking part as a prayer intercessor.. part of my duties include doing some magic tricks, which i picked up over 4 lessons.. i'm not sure what to expect when i get there.. *excited*

packing last nite oredi boosted up my excitement level, til i found it rather hard to sleep. tonite wld definitely b a sleepless one as well, because i'd b heading down the airport tonite to avoid catching a taxi early in the morning n suffer midnight charges. (the last time i took a taxi for the half marathon, it cost me $25++!! btw, yea, i ran on 11 Sept, n got a timing of 2h 34min 52s. still not within my time goal, still got room for improvement..) anyway, Steff offered to keep me company, tho i declined at 1st, but on 2nd thots, it might be a good idea cos i need someone to help me jaga my bags when i go washroom, n i guess it's quite an adventure to stay overnight at the airport so i wun wanna deny Steff that thrill. hehh.. as for myself, i've done tt before while i was in JC. heh.. ppl do weird stuff during that age.. :P

n to my dear KwongHsia, yes dear, i'm fine. yes, i'm putting ur name down here cos i think u still read my blog n i owe u an sms. haa.. will msg u when i get back, okie.. take care yea.. :)

n i had a most wonderful dinner with FK. *winkz* i dun care if u've gone down to try the ice cream while i'm away, the point is that we mus go down there tgther one day when i get back n when i save enough coins for it. heee... :P

to evryone else, pls wait for updates n photos next next week! til then take care ~!


well, i'm still going Japan for sure, by faith. hee.. got a lil freaked out bout the visa thinggy, but shall chk it out tmr n see how. silly me, never chked that out.

n as i'm typing tis at ard 1135pm from home, it means that i'm not staying overnight at the airport. Irene thot it best for me to sleep more (she's paying my taxi fare later *hee* n sending me off on top of that. :)), but alas, i'm still not asleep yet. soon, soon.. i'm quite tired now. dun think i will hv enough sleep.. last time i prayed to God before to multiply my sleeping hours by 5-10 times. n it sorta worked cos i was fully awake n functional the next day. oh God, let it be so tonite..

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