Saturday, September 03, 2005

before the clock strikes midnight,

n i rmbr that when i jus started my blog, i made a special wish for my momie's bday too. *grinz..

yest's nite appreciation dinner turned out to be a sch function, so it wasnt onli for GB girls.. in fact, almost practically none of the girls were there. n once again, i wasnt dressed for the ocassion, but i guess it was all right. some other ppl were dressed quite casually as well. anyway, for once, i did not care for the food so much, din each much either cos surprisingly i was full even before i finished the food. perhaps i was thrown into a strange circumstance where i knew not many ppl there except a few teachers n my GB captain. sighz..

but it was a good nite because i got to hear the FMSS band and choir group performed. n they were awarded gold for the SYF, even with hons for choir. i love the piece from Pirates of the Caribeans that the band played, but the choir cld hv done better, what with their flying colours, i expected more. i guess this is more of a goodbye night for me, for FMSS. will explain on tis point later.

today was National Bible Quiz day. FMSS sent two teams, which i coached for a period of 3 wks on the book of Luke. i mus say tt i did not fare well as a coach cos i myself did not finish the book, n it was a sad blow tt the girls did not get into the top 5. i was half hoping tt they wld get at least 5th. o well.. one team got silver n the other one, which got onli 3 points lower, got bronze award (this gold, silver, bronze award is based on score, not that u get 1st, 2nd or 3rd). 3 pts made a difference. poor team. i felt sad for them. all in all, the girls were quite high spirited n independent. cld jus do without an adult volunteer to jaga them.

then after that, i met momie at city hall. she wanted to buy stuff from Giordano. *geez.. haha.. we went to the one in citilink, it did not hv her size. then we toured ard marina square, they did not hv a Giordano there. fine, so we had to make our way thru the large crowd (thx to Comex, n some World Food thinggy) to the outlet in Suntec.. no luck there as well. finally confirmed that they hv the stock in Raffles City. phew... thank God that they hv 3 outlets nearby in the city hall area, so now u ppl know where to go hunting for ur Giordano items on ur bdays, if u wanna play safe.. hee.. ;)

oooh.. that reminds me of a fwded sms i got. shall post it here before i end off. pls read one line at a time slowly. hehee.. i really like tis one.. :D


Positive Thinking is like this..
A little bird in the sky..
U look up & it shits in ur eye.
U don't mind & U don't cry.
U just thank GOD that
elephants don't fly!


teeheehee... n for that matter, pigs don't fly either.. mb one day. ;)

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