Friday, September 02, 2005

last nite, my family celebrated my momie's bday in advanced cos big bro is making his way to Brazil tonite, on a working trip that is. still i find it so cool to be send to another place even if it's for work. think of all the expenses u can save on, plus u really feel the culture there. not like tourists who jus go there for sight seeing, what a lot of things missed out in that!

oh, n yest on my way back, i bumped into another old labmatie of mine. he did one module together with me, the beer module. *grinz.. i'm glad tt he still rmbr me. hee.. these days, i happen to bump into ppl a lot tt it frightens me. i guess i need to be prepared evrytime i step out of my house, prepared in the sense of being dressed more presentably. haa... well, i hv a knack of appearing in big T-shirt n berms, even at Orchard Rd once. cos i wasnt doing shopping ma, i went there jus to do an errant. n *bam* i bumped into my coursemates there. so paiseh tt i jus waved a hi to them n went off quickly in the opposite direction.. hahaa.. sighz..

tonite i'll be appreciated by my GB girls.. hee.. 'em throwing an appreciation dinner at FMSS for the volunteers. so yay~.. sth to look fwd to after work. :)


Let the weight of Your Glory fall on us,
Let the triumph of Your Kingdom come,
Let the light of Your Glory fill the earth,
Let the weight of Your Glory come,
Let the weight of Your Glory come...

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