Tuesday, December 21, 2004

ho ho ho.. merry christmas in advance, jus in case i never get to blog again until the great day has gone past... as u can see, my sposedly updates 'later tonite' was, erm, many nights after.. *chuckles.. sorry, maties.. i got busy.. :P

well... yea... Mission Trip brought a different sense of satisfaction. (for those who dun know, i went for a Mission Trip with the main objective of feeding the Orang Asli in the state of Pahang.)i was given a taste of a different lifestyle, n come think of it, i think i have received more from them than they from me. sure, i may have blessed them with food, but they have given me food for thought. n how much would u price such good food? well, besides that, the scenery and air is magnificient up there.. not forgetting the walk. well, the villages are a few clicks from the main road, and it being the rainy season now, well, the tracks are not exactly fit for cars, not even most 4-wheelers. anyway, we had to make some journey on foot, at night some more, n skidded on the path many times.. felt like surfing on the mud at times.. n coupla ppl fell a few times *chuckles.. i almost did, but thank God for supportive frens thru'out the trekking.. ^^

one word to sum it all up: simplicity. this is what i felt. they hav a simple life, simple faith. i guess life is not as complex, or rather need not be thus. life can be, n perhaps actually is, simple. i dare not make the statement that life is simple for fear that there will be third world war in the minds of those who refuse to accept such statement. perhaps, this is true for myself. i always remember this one question i posed to my cell leader. i asked her, "why is life so difficult?" n she said 'why do people make life so difficult?'.. she has a point there. no arguments. yet to actually believe n live that out. well, that would b what i would now term as The Orang Asli Way of Life. *chuckles..

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