Thursday, December 30, 2004

Christmas came. Christmas went. And my momie is now here to stay, well, mb for a few months before she goes Brunei again. i cant label that as 'home' anymore, now that our house was sold, n according to her, the present owner has renovated the whole place. so it'll look rather different when i get to go back next year. sad thing is that i never get to say goodbye to it. mb it's better that way. i can get rather sentimental with places n things at times, n certain times such emotions were unnecessary n not very long-lasting cos i tend to forget them soon. human nature, or perhaps it's jus my nature.

anyway, i was refering to Christmas at the start of this blog. well, my church threw a bash party at Fort Canning on Christmas day, n it was lotsa fun. i enjoyed the company a lot, especially Irene's invited guests. they are really sweet n friendly. i kinda feel sad having to leave early n without much proper goodbyes. but well, i had to rush over to catch the Kung Fu Hustle with my brothers n sis-in-law at 1130pm. oh, that was a hilarious movie, i tell u. i laughed until i cried. Stephen Chow knows how to kick in at the right time with the right blows. he directed n wrote the scripts. this man deserves kudos.. hehe.. okies, mb some ppl dun really appreciate his movies, but i'm all out for the laughs. Meet the Fockers wld b next on my list! n i'd love to watch Phantom of the Opera, but no one to watch with me. mb i will save money n wait for my bro to come out with the DVD version for me to watch. i wun settle for VCD version with bad sound quality.

oh, i forgot to mention the day before Christmas. i spent one whole day at Bugis Junction! amazing, isnt it? i was sposed to meet sister BL there for hairstyling, but she din come till much later. *ahem.. hahaa.. anyway, i din mind as this gave me sufficient time to do my christmas shopping for my family. i bought pressies for my bros n sis-in-law. not cheap stuff as i m working now, n i figure i shd buy them better things, that they can use.

then later tgether with BL, we went to Reds to get our hair styled, n by that, i meant curled. hehee.. it's jus a temp thing, jus to see how we wld look like with curls. well, it was good. i love the curls, so did BL. but it was sad too, cos even before we went home, our hair had straightened considerably. BL's din even seem to hav any more curls at all! thank God we took neoprints when we still had our curls. lovely neoprints they were too. will scan n put them in yahoo photos when i hav time. (which is like many years later.. :P)

we had dinner at this Jap restaurant. the food there is really cheap. i mean, reasonable la, esp when the serving portion is big n filling. one thing i like bout Jap food is the effort they put into food presentation. when something looks good, they usu taste good as well (unless i'm the one who prepares them.. :P). so we enjoyed our meal a lot. i love trying out new places, not to mention Jap food!! me n BL lingered longer in Bugis n finally ended up outside St Andrew's Cathedral to do the countdown, n sang "O come o ye faithful". it was so meaningful then, cos the clock had past 12 n it was christmas day - a day to remember Jesus when He was born in Bethelhem.

then i prepared brunch for my bros n sis-in-law on christmas day too. my 2nd bro bought campagne n yeps, we had a pop-the-campagne session to inaugurate our little home celebration. (remind me to upload pictures when i get them developed!) the log cake tasted really good. it was a simple meal together, but i treasure this kind of occasion a lot. :)

that's christmas for me, and new year is around the corner. here's giving everyone a warm n loving spark to start the year 2005.. *hUGgies* n niTes!!!

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