Tuesday, September 14, 2004

i did sth so sinful today. not onli did i nap for an hour plus in the noon time, i was also very gullible n vain. see what lack of caffeine can do to one person!

well, i went grocery shopping n decided that i needed to buy toner n moisturiser for my face too. first stop was NTUC, and there a follow-me sales promoter managed to make me buy a day crean plus a renewal gel to remove blackheads (yeps, it's written all over my nose that i hav lotsa blackheads.. ew.. :P).. so there goes $21.. then i still hav my toner to buy. i din wanna buy follow-me toner, so i decided to skip over to Watson.. there, another sales promoter awaits me.. well, there's logic in what she says that if i invest $39 in her toner, it would last for 6mths. my normal toner onli lasts 2mths, so it was ard that cost by the time it comes to 6mths. so haiz... yeps, kena 'bullied' again to buy that toner.. made in israel.. part of the instruction is in hebrew, i guess.. :S

i'm jus so prone.. *wince*

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

momie went back home today.. flew off in the morning. me n my bro sent her off to senai airport, JB to catch the airasia flight. cheaper for her to come n go back, but more troublesome in going to the airport. then i found out that there is a free shuttle bus from kota raya, JB to the airport.. huhuu.. shall exploit that in future next time.. hehee..

then watched kissing jessica stein to fill up my morning time. it's a les movie, bout how a straight girl becomes a les.. n i finally understand why guys can take it when girls are les.. was talking bout this last night with a guy fren, n he told me that he doesnt mind if his gf is a les... ew.. or rather, it was 'ew' yest.. but now it's 'ooh'.. so that's the reasoning behind it.. the ending is rather open to speculation though.. did jessica return back to a straight life, one which i presume would be quite nice with a mr george meyers?.. hehe.. i know i would if ever such a guy comes along..

read this book titled 'marathon: you can do it!' (probably sponsored by nike to put that in the title.. :P). really a good guide to what u need to do while training for the big run. though i'm doing a 21-click in another 2-3 wks time, this book still comes in quite handy. thanks to the coop delivery man.. hehe.. he's oso running..

so i went for a jog in the afternoon. tried out to put in walk breaks in between my run, but it was a disastrous attempt. cos i think i pushed myself too hard. was sposed to pace myself slower, but cos i got the chance to rest while i walked, i ran faster after that.. got stitch then tummy wasnt feeling right, so i had to stopped after i passed the turning point.. dang.. next time i shall run slower.. still hav to put the walk breaks in practice n see how effective it is..

Monday, September 06, 2004

jus some thots over the weekend:

if u think someone looks down on u,
u're doing more harm by looking down at urself.

i believe in the story of one man,
so i will not debunk others at believing the story of another man.

Friday, September 03, 2004

i got a new handphone!! true to what people tell me: 'if the old one doesnt go, the new one will not come'... well, to the oblivion of some, i lost my hp on tues, left it in the toilet. that was a tormentous day for me, to lose my hp.. n i'm near broke.. so how to buy new hp?!

then how do i get a new hp? hehehe.. actually i still feel strange n uneasy bout this whole thing. nothing wrong with the hp.. i hav already fell in love with it.. it being a motorola, n it being a flip-flop phone which i hav always wanted. well.. sth is definitely wrong with the giver though.. for one, i dun really know this guy; he's a regular customer from the bookshop n i barely knew him lo.. jus talked to him stimes. n he jus gave me the hp like that lehh..!!

well, i did ask him on that day that i lost my hp if he was in the business of buying n selling hps as well.. amazingly he told me that he could get one for me. i told him i wanted a motorola flip flop, but i couldnt pay much. say ard $150-200 onli. then the next day (wednesday) i decided not to buy 2nd hand hp cos i'd rather save money n help my bro buy his hp first then i can use his old one. but then on thursday, that guy jus dumped the hp at me. i was like "..." *speechless*. at first i thot he wanted to sell to me, then i would hav to decline cos i decided not to buy liaoz.. but no, he said give me wor.. all the more i was "..."

then my other part time colleague (the old gentleman) said that this is the benefit of being a girl.. all the more i felt uneasy.. hm.. come to think of it, i hav always been telling ppl that i dun mind having a rich husband.. perhaps i was looking at the wrong age group for that.. should aim for older ppl.. hahaha.. ppl near or in their forties.. :P

p/s: Happy Birthday, Mom.
May u like ur new son-in-law.. akakaa..