Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Had for cell retreat at my pastor's house over the weekend, and boy was I surprised! If you know my pastor, you won't imagine his place to have such a cool modern layout, and after he gave us a lecture on home décor, he really puts in much thoughts to the colour, shape and concept of what feeling he wants to bring across to people. For example, it is good for the kitchen to have appetizing colours like orange, green or red. He also mentions that one must exert discipline and self control when buying things for the house because what may look nice in a shop, will turn out awful if it doesn't match the house.

On top of that, pastor also shared about relationship, and he showed us his proposal video! Wow... I'm so glad to know this side of my pastor which I rarely see in normal circumstances because I hardly hang out with him. :)

But the retreat is not just knowing my pastor better, it is also getting to know the rest of the people. And we had a good time of games and fun at MacRitchie Reservoir on Sat. Thanks to Audrey for planning (Yong Chern too) and carrying out the games together with me. Sposed to run 3.2km, but the rain kept us in the pavillion. So we played riddles on guessing how certain things happen.

And more importantly, this retreat is about aligning our hearts with what God wants to do in our lives in this year of Sabbath. Not to do as I please, but to honour His holy day.

Went running with FK on Monday. Good that she came early then we could run longer. Took the long PP route, and it was simply relaxing and refreshing to run in the aftermath of a downpour. The clouds were still dripping some drapes of leftover water, and we thought more was to come so we cancelled the later run at PGP.

Told FK the coming of some possibilities in my life. In fact, I'm very glad to be able to tell her a great many things in my life. Thanks chum, for being such a good listener. I can only hope to be the same to you, if not less cornier (I promise to eat less corn before I meet you or J next time.. :p).

Once the possibilities become a reality, I'll update here so that you may share in my joy (and suffering!).

May God's provision be with us this day to know what He has secured as our lot will not be taken away (Ps 16:5).

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Went running with my regulars yesterday, with two new recruits. So for the latter's sake, we chose a flat and relatively short path to West Coast, and since we were there, might as well take a swing or two on the flying fox (if I do not remember the name of that play station wrongly).

Climbed up to the safety net of the pyramid structure too. Been a long time back since I last did that. FK said it was in 2003-4 when I was still in NUS, during our exam times. Yea, those were crazy running days. But somethings never change: how I can crack corny and lame jokes while running, how I'm still scared of moving in and out of that safety net of the pyramid. If you look into my eyes then, you'd register fear.

Anyway, cruising on bus 188 now as I am penning this down on baby - my new PDA, a gift fr WL, to spur me to write as and when I can. Quite handy, and help me to do away with all the little note pads I keep in my bag. Baby says "Welcome to the technology world."

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Yes, I decided to re-appear again. But this time round with a stronger resolve, especially when I plan to turn this into my running blog. Heee.. Then I can share where I've been running, how I felt, etc... =)

Ran this morning. Felt great!... Read the Psalm this morning before I ran. Now in my church, we're all reading a Psalm a Day, so 5th Jan means Psalm 5, in which the psalmist says, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." What a lovely way to start a morning, and to start my running. =D

Signed up for sundownmarathon too. An inaugural event organized by Adidas. The unique features revolves around starting off in the evening, and running in the East, the lovely East of Singapore!.. Wow... That intrigues me far beyond because I love the East, the lovely East of Singapore. What a lovely run that would be!... Of course, training comes before that, but well, like what Lex said, plenty of time to train (if I start now, that is!).

Lovely day~