Thursday, September 13, 2007

They say, drinking and driving don't mix. Well, for my case, it's drinking and running. Hee.. Had a bad onset of flu after I drank a bit too much on Saturday and an attempt to run 10km the next morning (and may I add, early in the morning!)...

I guess I lack rest. My body always acts up when I don't have enough sleep. I usually overlook this fact, and torture my poor body to exhaustion. If my body can talk, it would most probably say "I give up".

Anyway, I still run. Try stopping me. Heh hehh.. Just that I don't run when I'm terribly sick, but I must keep up my stamina somehow. Looking forward to running long-er this weekend! :)


Just found out that my dear sister is getting married end of this month. Wishing you the very best in your marriage & new life together with your special someone. May God's love be with you always.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ten minutes cost 50cents. That's the food for thought today.

Now, how did I derive that? If I take the normal bus, it costs me $1.20. If I take the express bus, which arrives at school 10mins earlier than the other bus, it costs me $1.70. So viola!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The rain followed me today, I am sure. It sprang out at me, gave me a peck on my cheek as I left my block. Then it waved at me as I glanced out momentarily on the bus. Finally it tailed my faint shadows as I crossed the bus stop to science.

The clouds rolled across the sky, casting a certain spell over this place. It spelled rain. I think my dear friend just greeted me again as I looked out of my office window.

Monday, September 03, 2007

I need to learn how to run alone again. Now and then, I'd caution the guys to run by themselves. Truth is, I've not been able to bring myself to do that as yet. I've always been running on the trainer now when I have to do it by myself. I can't picture myself running alone outside anymore.

Being alone. That's what I'm missing right now. Or perhaps, that may be what I am afraid of being right now. Bittersweet. Love-hate. I want to break away from all this. And just be...

Alone, and with others. With no gaps in between. No feelings of emptiness or something that has gone awry when I am in either situation. To be contented. Ah.. To be contented in all situations.