Friday, August 11, 2006

Hello NUS

I've been back here for about 3 weeks now. Time really flies, but otherwise, things have moved slowly in the lab. I am to wait until the existing lab evacuate to the old IMCB building before I can set up my new lab. Then that will be another few months before I can do anything solid.

I have coined this as my 'honeymoon' period, but one which I don't seem to enjoy so much. NUS holds a lot of my past here, and these bygone weeks, I have met people of my past. Some are not pleasant at all, and it reminded me again why I was so eager to leave NUS behind. Building bridges again is not an easy task.

But I am thankful for some people who turn out to be valuable lunch buddies. I thank God for the great location right next to Dover too. Puts me 15 minutes away from FMSS, and I can pop by there ever so frequent that perhaps one day the security guy might just get too suspicious to let me in anymore. *Kidding. He knows me well. I thank God also because it puts me near to someone, but sometimes it can be nerve wrecking to be so near and yet so far.

Still, it's good to be back.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere too..


sin said...

i am now at