Thursday, December 08, 2005

yet another excuse: waiting for my laundry..

on Tues nite i tried to post, but somehow blogger couldnt locate my blog.. another sure *spook* signal.. eerie!

here's my prev entry:


simply an excuse: i'm waiting for my hair to dry.. hee*

as i took the train home, a thought spooked me. actually i thought about it when i woke up this morning, but it was dismissed until just now. i did not know how i get to bed last night! i must have done it by myself, but i have no recollection of it. i must have been really tired because i remember i got up to put the pasta into the refrigerator (yes, i made pasta the night before; details later), switched off the light outside, opened my door, and that was all. after that, i found my alarm ringing, and i woke up to a brightly lit room, and i did not even have my blanket on. *spooky!* gosh, how tired i must have been!

well, yesterday i invited Dd over to my house to show her how i cooked pasta. it wasnt exactly fantastic (not J's standard, i'm afraid. :P) but it would make do. anyway, Dd and my family are not great fans of pasta; we just eat it. hehh.. i'm one more for bakery items. *yumz* but i guess i hv to think twice before i try cooking after work. it's jus SO tiring. haha.. Dd was tired, too, at the end of the day, but it was fun. :)

then today, i went for a short run with FK. (thanks dear, for coming over! :)) i had some expts to run so had to settle for NTU, which i dun mind since i hardly run there now that SM has gone off-campus. it was a good catching-up time, and i finally noted that FK is growing up. *grinz. what i mean is that she'd be graduating next year! *sniff sniff* there goes my little girl. well, people go through different phase in their lives, and at times, they don't even realise there's any change at all when they're in the next phase already. and something that doesn't change direction often is: friendship. *smile*

n to update my prev entry: evrything is quite okie n right at work now. i'm quite fine too. thank God. :) as for Jappie, o dear sister Joy, it went quite alright as well. got hope, got hope.. hehe.. next time we must name another sister as Hope. ;)

oh, to end, let me share a cute sideline about my fishie. i went to lab early sometimes n i notice that fishie really do sleep! hehe.. n when they sleep, they float about as if dead, and it's really cute the way they stir and awake. hehh.. i guess if anyone see the way i sleep n wake up intermittently on the bus, they may just have the same thoughts about me. :P

okie okie, getting wayyy into the night. got a long day tmr. nitie nite ppl!

p/s: correction: the next movie i want to watch is Pride and Prejudice!


will press the 'publish post' button n hope everything turn out fine.

a short update: went roller blading with MH on Wed at school.. hehh.. tho the floor is not smooth enough, we had a fun time. getting into n out of the lift was a mini-adventure in itself, n we went down my lab's corridor to look for Dd. *grinz.. i bet the camera caught us, even the time when we bladed for a while in the main lobby downstairs. o well.. shall know the outcome if any security warning letter greets us.

then today, FK is swell enough to cook din for me n LexC. *muakz* thanks hun. Me n LexC went for a short run at the Clem canal, a brisk short run. n my tired lil legs could not carry me very far. i tink i'm not used to the strenous training of 3 times a week. mus get that stamina back, somehow.

hm.. my laundry is done, like bout an hour ago. n i'm still glued to the comp.. but one must go on msn now n then.. so cheerios ppl.. a great weekend ahead~!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am all grown up now? *sniffs* Now only she realises...

*lol* And no... i think friendship is easy to change directions... it just take effort to keep in the same direction...=0>

*hugs* and don't yea worry, I'll be putting my best effort...=0p