Friday, October 21, 2005

one of my shallow thoughts for tonite was to stay overnight at my lab. that's where i am now. hehh... well, since my postgrad said that my boss expects me to get some results by this weekend, i guess i shall just surprised him for once and actually produce some results for him to see. actually i had some excitement over a gel that i ran before the end of the day, but i cld not be bothered to show it to my boss. not when i was in a rush to go off n meet FK n J for a much needed run, which once again proved its wonders. it loosened my whole frame, n i m much better now.

anyway, i wanted to spend a portion of my time here tonite to write. cos at home, my bed wld lure me, n my mind wld b tempted onli to regret later n toss me into a mild insomnia (this has happened for a few nights now). yet at lab, my mind is automatically switched to my expts, n i'm like forever engaged in doing sth. hmm.. this mus not be so.. i mus make use of my time, be it to write, or to do solid research. heard from FK that one of the judges is a serious guy from Lit.. so i may need to pay heed to my grammar n facts!

apart from all this, my momie has gone over to East Msia. all the more reason why this is a good time to write. strike when the iron is hot. n the competition deadline is next weekend... orooo...


Anonymous said...

What competition?

lil piggie said...

acks.. sorry brother.. i shd hv let u know.. it's NUS centennial writing competition. did u catch wind of it in Brunei? i guess, u might stand a chance if u write. i still like ur 'dream' play a lot, n was jus mentioning bout it to brother Teoh the other day. :)