Tuesday, August 30, 2005

a lil shout out in the early morn to announce that: I'm in lab now!!!.. haiz.. may not be early for some, but it's half an hour before my working hour starts, n it's not like i've sth better to do at lab. these days i came early jus for the sake of catching the bus, which will be crowded with ppl after 8am. sigh..

yest i went to National Library. finally went there. it has a modern feel, so different from the old one. there's a courtyard on the 5th floor. and 6-7 floors of reference text. the security guard told me menacingly that i cannot study in there cos he noted my big bag full of notes. haa.. i wasnt even planning on studying. jus wanna look at how the library is like. it's nice, overall. i feel tt i cld spend some time there, sitting by the corridor with the huge glass plane that overlooks the city. i can write there.

it was a good feeling being alone for a while. that's jus my pblem now. i dun hv enough time, too busy with all sorts of things. how i'd love a time to spend at home, hv a good dinner (home-cooked, of cos), then go for a jog perhaps, n end up the night by reading or writing, whichever sees fit. wait, ain't i doing that tonite? *winkz. ;)


Anonymous said...

I bet only the libraries here are those that ban people from studying. Can't imagine that still...

lil piggie said...

ya, u tell me! i got a perfect shock when i first knew bout tis rule.. :P