Tuesday, August 30, 2005

a lil shout out in the early morn to announce that: I'm in lab now!!!.. haiz.. may not be early for some, but it's half an hour before my working hour starts, n it's not like i've sth better to do at lab. these days i came early jus for the sake of catching the bus, which will be crowded with ppl after 8am. sigh..

yest i went to National Library. finally went there. it has a modern feel, so different from the old one. there's a courtyard on the 5th floor. and 6-7 floors of reference text. the security guard told me menacingly that i cannot study in there cos he noted my big bag full of notes. haa.. i wasnt even planning on studying. jus wanna look at how the library is like. it's nice, overall. i feel tt i cld spend some time there, sitting by the corridor with the huge glass plane that overlooks the city. i can write there.

it was a good feeling being alone for a while. that's jus my pblem now. i dun hv enough time, too busy with all sorts of things. how i'd love a time to spend at home, hv a good dinner (home-cooked, of cos), then go for a jog perhaps, n end up the night by reading or writing, whichever sees fit. wait, ain't i doing that tonite? *winkz. ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Everybody's changing - Keane

You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
And soon you will disappear
Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

I like, no, love this song.
Of cakes and shops

Both of which I think I rather had too much of today. No, I did not buy many things, but my eyes saw what my hands went through, and some of which my body wriggled in and out. All can be quite a tiring process for someone who does not shop that much. *grinz. Yet it was a great time spent with lil miss Wonka, who finally made her first trip down to JB!! hehe.. And when you're down there, how can you avoid not going into the Secret Recipe with the cakes going for RM$5.30! That's about how much they charge here in Sing dollars too.

And I found out that they serve this very nice vegetarian hakka dish at Holiday Inn Plaza. Must bring my mom there next time to savour. I love my first taste of it in Ipoh last time. It'd be some time before i get to go back to Ipoh again, probably Dec when Alex is back home. :)


And last Friday, argh.. I wish I had my pen. Before and after watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (who else would I be watching it with?! *grinz.. n it's a really good n heart-warming), my thoughts ran so wild, so free. Perhaps they knew I did not have a pen to contain them. I tried typing into my hp, but my fingers are never good at keeping count of words.

Anyway, these words off the cover of a philosophical book that I glanced upon in Kinokuniya last Thurs came back to me: "Love, at a sudden turn of events, can be indifferent or disgust. Hate is immortal." Well, naturally my mind set to work on the 101 things that I have been taught about love, unconditional love. I even thought of the instance that once a story taught me about darkness as being the absence of light. Can't hatred then be the absence of love? I have yet to read the text within. There are others more soothing to the nerves, such as text from St Augustine and the other one I saw from Kempis.


On a side-note from my writing desk, I am near the stage of giving up. I am wearied and burdened by the facts and things I have to research on, to read up. Though I've just learnt previously that it is possible to make up half of what you write. Yet when it comes to serious writing, when it has been acclaimed that A is A, you can't go your way and say that A is B. That is so utterly wrong. So I need to get my facts right, but it's simply unbearable to think of all the things I ought to know. I have till end October, my only consolation that time is still quite by my side. Though I have other things in mind to settle as well. And I just pampered myself with a hand-load, no, make that a drawer-load of books. I'm getting nowhere of stopping myself from reading, and yet I am not reading what I should be reading. *sigh...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Yea, I shd update my blog, despite it being my bedtime now. Plus, i've not mentioned much bout my previous two trips yet. heh.. shall give brief accounts then:

Bangkok is quite a shopping paradise because their markets are so extensive. The best way to describe the market is what one sees at Bugis Village, and multiply it by 10 times for the size of Pratunam Market, and 50 times for Chatuchak Market. Both are must-go market places because I realise that their goods there are set at low prices. At other places such as Khao San and Silom, you will get your throat cut a few times, and still feel somewhat cheated after you have bargained down the price. However, a warning to the ladies as the clothes found there are typical to the sizes in This Fashion, so my mother ended up not buying many clothes. And Chinatown is only good for food because though their shoes are really pretty, they are meant for wholesale.

Also beware of too-friendly Thai people - the good "Samaritans". On my first day I took out my map to look for directions, a man approached me and my mother and was very helpful in telling us where to go to see a famous temple. Only when he mentioned about making a detour to the jewellery shops, then I realised the extent of his sincerity. Still it was difficult for us to decline, and I doubt my mother was aware what he was getting us into. So we played along. The man halted a tuk-tuk and my mother was so excited that she would be having her firsthand experience in riding on one of these. My enthusiasm was quite doused by what was to happen next. And this was not the only means that we were conned to view jewellery items, even our morning river cruise was followed by a few of such visits. It seems that tour companies made agreement with these shops to bring tourists there, in return for God-knows-what.

Mt Kinabalu was more memorable and enjoyable. The only thing that shocked me was the sky rocket price they charged for the food there. RM$11.50 for fried rice, and RM$3.50 for hot milo. They knew we needed food, and we had no way out but to buy from them. Well, this is a reminder to those to be better prepared next time: go buy bread and instant 3-in-1 milo, because you can boil hot water in the kitchenette at the hostel.

The view, oh the magnificient view. I'm dazzled by it. I love it. And the wind, the coldness can be biting at times, and chill you to the bones, but you will miss it when you return back to ground zero. What more can I say about Mt K? Like what I said before, it's an experience to have once in a lifetime.

Then the town itself - Kota Kinabalu - has nothing much in it. Not much ado for shopping, unless you want to buy handicraft souvenirs (which I did not buy any. sorry maties. :P). Then nothing much to see either. Perhaps people go there after the climb to fill up their tummies again. We all had pizza hut for dinner before we took our flight back to Spore. One RM for one S$, so it is really worth it to eat pizza hut in Msia.. hehe.. Some more they said that the Treasure Island Pizza is not found in Spore menu. Really tasted good. *yumz. [stomach starts to growl, getting a little hungry.. but i guess i will sleep on it..]

Okie, i shall stop here. the freshies had a treasure hunt today n tmr they'd b having a 3-on-3 basketball tournament. i shd b gg down to support this team of guys who confidently told me that they will sure win wanz. haha.. we shall see. :)