Thursday, December 02, 2010

It has been a while since I came by here, been a long time since I last posted here. Somehow I lost the zeal to write, about myself. Somehow I just disappear. Even memory has faded and I can no longer recall what I've lived through for the past few years. I tell myself over and again that I need to keep track of life, or life will just run past me. And it already has.

Now that I'm past the age (shan't say what age), and moving on. Now that I'm no longer a Miss Chin, not just Mrs Teoh, soon to be a Mom. Yes, time has moved on.

Now that I've achieved much in the little lab where I started from scratch, though not just by myself, and now that too may come to an end. It's time to move on.

The future has much uncertainty, and yet also much excitement. I do not know what to think, or what to feel. Only let me not worry too much about what's to come, to miss what's going on right now. And let me not forget to live life to the full every single day.

Yes, I'm alive and blogging again. =)


Anonymous said...

welcome back. =0)

lil piggie said...

thanks love. =)