Monday, November 06, 2006

an interesting dialogue with the doctor:

Doc: Hm, do you exercise?
Me: Well yes, I run.
Doc: How often?
Me: One, two, three times a week.
Doc: How far? (unconvinced, i think)
Me: Oh, 5-8km.
Doc: No wonder your heart rate is so low. What time do you usually run?
Me: Uh, in the evenings. I can't get up in the morning.
Doc: Before or after dinner?
Me: After.
Doc: No wonder you're so skinny. How long after your dinner?
Me: 1-2 hours. I usually run around 9pm.
Doc: Ah. 2 hours is good. Not good to run too soon after your dinner. If you're older, you stand a chance to get heart attack. 'Cos 30% of your blood goes to your stomach. And if you're running, some blood will go to your lower limbs. That leaves very little for your heart and brain.
Me: (nods head)
Doc: You know what happens in picnic. They eat a lot then go to the sea to swim. It's no wonder they get cramps and some even lose their lives.
Me: (gulps, and continue to nod head)
Doc: And those who run before dinner, like around 6pm, they have a fantastic dinner after that, then sit down to watch TV or do something inactive, and where all the food go to? (here, she gestured with her right hand her tummy area)
Me: (laugh)
Doc: But isn't your metabolic rate increased after your run? People usually find it hard to sleep after exercising because of the increased metabolic rate. But you're a student, so I supposed you use that time to study?
Me: Uh, no. I'm a staff actually. I'm working now.
Doc: (stare at me) So you don't find it hard to sleep after your run?
Me: Well, I wash my hair then wait for it to dry before I sleep. I normally sleep around 12.
Doc: What time do you run until?
Me: Usually 10pm.
Doc: Ah. There are those people who run and then drop dead tired and sleep. I supposed you belong to that group.
Me: (laugh)
Doc: And you'd better not run when you're sick. No running for the next three days.
Me: Oh.
Doc: 'Cos you're having a viral infection. And you don't want the virus to go elsewhere. There are cases, not often, but there are cases of virus going to the muscles and heart. There's this story of an American who had a virus infection, and was told not to exercise. But he did not follow the advice and did all sorts of exercise anyway. Finally, he got a serious case of diarrhea at night and he hardly managed to crawl back to his bed. The virus got into the nerves of his lower limbs, and he was paralysed. Normally such cases are reversible in about a week or so, but he wasn't so lucky as the virus got into his spinal cord. He died when he was being treated in America. So these are very rare cases, but listen if you want.
Me: Oh. (nods head)

Conclusion: I won't be running for the next 3 days. ;p


sin said...

i am down with flu too.

Anonymous said...

wah... then must rest well :)

Anonymous said...

This is very late, but the doctor is full of crap!!! I'm guessing a YIH doc. J

lil piggie said...

hahas.. but dun u tink that i m equally full of crap? ;p

thanks for the well wishes.. i m indeed well again, and i will be running for the marathon tis Sun! *scream*..