Monday, February 06, 2006


n yayy.. i got my first few ang pows when i went with my church network to go house visiting yesterday. i was so glad, and the parents were very generous too, considering that most of us met them only for the first time!... *thank God* for their hospitality!! i had a tummy-ful of new year goodies too.

so i was quite bloated when Lexpo and me hopped over to J's place to prepare dinner. Grocery shopping with the guys were fun. they were just as clueless as i was about what to get, what to put into wantons. thanks to FK, who wasnt ard! :P

well, cooking tgether is always fun. so we had a good time, of yu-sheng n wantons. the wantons were not too successful, but it just means tt there are room for improvement. hee.. next time, i must check out the proper ingredients on the internet before attempting to cook. *grinz.. n we had overload of vegs, n we were very stuffed at the end of it all. *burp!

n i had to rush off after that for another yu-sheng with my family. yesh, yesterday was the official day to have the yu-sheng. tho i initially arranged to do it a day earlier with my family but my 2nd bro was on-call so we changed to yesterday. WL was invited to come over too. *big grinz. well, he survived! yayyy.. hahaa.. :D

back track some more: on Mon 30th Jan, i had a mini open house, esp for the sisters n Irene's girls. sister Joy n her momie came to my house. yayyy.. good to get her momie to know my momie. so next time they can go out n play, n me n sister Joy can go elsewhere to shop. *opps.. :P it was a good time tho i felt that my house lacked the festivity somehow. perhaps my family hasnt really celebrated CNY much over the years.

okieokie, i think i hv recorded down most of the major events of the past weeks. think from now onwards, i shall blog fortnightly. unless i hv sth impt to announce. nahh... it's not what most of u are thinking.. esp those waiting to get ang pows from me. :P

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