Saturday, February 18, 2006

allow me to welcome Lil SteFanie into my family!!!

she was borned weighing 2.909kg, 1315hr on Thurs 16 Feb 2006.

hee.. that was a happy day for me indeed. so happy that i took off from work once i could do so. i asked my boss for his permission, of cos. heee..

but strangely how ppl can react to my happiness, esp the two taxi drivers who took me to and away from KK hosp. in the joy n delight of seeing my new niece, i took a cab from school, and the malay driver shared in my joy too. in fact, i could almost see him tearing as i showed him the pix in my hp of my newborn niece. i bet i made his day, n he would hv good news to bring home that day.

then when i took another cab to go church, i told the taxi driver the same thing, but he caught from my accent that i was not local. then he started pouring to me all the woes of the Spore govt. haizz... i really dun know what to say to him tho i feel that he may hv felt injust at the way things are. my happiness was slightly dampened, n i could not express to him that there is joy in just being able to live every day. n much greater joy at the arrival of someone new in this world.

sadly people hear what they want to hear, n react according to what they hear.

o well.. lil Stefanie is now safe n sound at home. she arrived home yest afternoon though i wasnt ard to welcome her, i'm sure glad to hv her under the same roof now. heard her cute cry last night too.. she poo-pooed so needed cleaning up. hee.. then this morning before i went out, i saw her sleeping. *big sigh.. i'm beginning to love her so much already.

anyway, the past week, i've been committed to go church, to align my year to God's heart. for the first time, it felt this way to me. for once, it's more than just a sanctification week. all thanks to a brother, as i overheard him talking to another new sister. n of cos, to God. cos i believe that if He did not want me to hear it, i could hv just as well missed it. n stimes it's not that He did not want me to hear, it's that i refuse to hear. so sorry, God.

tonite, i shall go to listen to an alpha course in my fren's fren's church. haha.. i guess he did not want to go alone, so asked me to go as well. an interesting topic too: Christianity: Irrelevant in today's world?" it goes sth along that line. well, there's free dinner too.. but of cos, i'm going for more than just that. i wonder if there's supper too.. *hmm... hahaa.. kiddinz!

oh, n i'm still waiting for a reply from my job prospect. got some interesting ones tis weekend. shall start applying again tis week. :)

Monday, February 06, 2006


n yayy.. i got my first few ang pows when i went with my church network to go house visiting yesterday. i was so glad, and the parents were very generous too, considering that most of us met them only for the first time!... *thank God* for their hospitality!! i had a tummy-ful of new year goodies too.

so i was quite bloated when Lexpo and me hopped over to J's place to prepare dinner. Grocery shopping with the guys were fun. they were just as clueless as i was about what to get, what to put into wantons. thanks to FK, who wasnt ard! :P

well, cooking tgether is always fun. so we had a good time, of yu-sheng n wantons. the wantons were not too successful, but it just means tt there are room for improvement. hee.. next time, i must check out the proper ingredients on the internet before attempting to cook. *grinz.. n we had overload of vegs, n we were very stuffed at the end of it all. *burp!

n i had to rush off after that for another yu-sheng with my family. yesh, yesterday was the official day to have the yu-sheng. tho i initially arranged to do it a day earlier with my family but my 2nd bro was on-call so we changed to yesterday. WL was invited to come over too. *big grinz. well, he survived! yayyy.. hahaa.. :D

back track some more: on Mon 30th Jan, i had a mini open house, esp for the sisters n Irene's girls. sister Joy n her momie came to my house. yayyy.. good to get her momie to know my momie. so next time they can go out n play, n me n sister Joy can go elsewhere to shop. *opps.. :P it was a good time tho i felt that my house lacked the festivity somehow. perhaps my family hasnt really celebrated CNY much over the years.

okieokie, i think i hv recorded down most of the major events of the past weeks. think from now onwards, i shall blog fortnightly. unless i hv sth impt to announce. nahh... it's not what most of u are thinking.. esp those waiting to get ang pows from me. :P