Friday, October 21, 2005

one of my shallow thoughts for tonite was to stay overnight at my lab. that's where i am now. hehh... well, since my postgrad said that my boss expects me to get some results by this weekend, i guess i shall just surprised him for once and actually produce some results for him to see. actually i had some excitement over a gel that i ran before the end of the day, but i cld not be bothered to show it to my boss. not when i was in a rush to go off n meet FK n J for a much needed run, which once again proved its wonders. it loosened my whole frame, n i m much better now.

anyway, i wanted to spend a portion of my time here tonite to write. cos at home, my bed wld lure me, n my mind wld b tempted onli to regret later n toss me into a mild insomnia (this has happened for a few nights now). yet at lab, my mind is automatically switched to my expts, n i'm like forever engaged in doing sth. hmm.. this mus not be so.. i mus make use of my time, be it to write, or to do solid research. heard from FK that one of the judges is a serious guy from Lit.. so i may need to pay heed to my grammar n facts!

apart from all this, my momie has gone over to East Msia. all the more reason why this is a good time to write. strike when the iron is hot. n the competition deadline is next weekend... orooo...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Today I'm decidedly in a sad dreamy mood. I even alighted from the bus before it reached the interchange so that I could take a good walk to inspect what it was that had thrown me into such a swing today. It's sad, I gather, but I could do nothing. It will pass, I'm sure. Patience. Time. Both are neither my strength at the moment.

Anyway, happier were the times that I could go to see the Vatican Journey of Faith before its last day on 9th Oct. They had a free entrance at 7pm on 8th Oct (Sat) so my friends and I headed down there to see it. First time for them, a second one for me. I wanted to slowly enjoy every single piece. Alas, there was a long queue, which means a lot of people. How typical! And I fell into the same lot with these people. How pathetic indeed! So what right do I have to say of them, when all I am doing is pointing the finger and saying it right to my own face? *laugh* Well, a lady from the museum was nice enough to distract us from our true journey to tell us about other cultures and we learnt so much from her, things that we did not know before. For instance, the Muslims are not allowed to depict humans or animals in their art motifs, so their works are mostly floral in nature.

After our late night museum tour (for that special night, the Asian Civilisation Museum was open 24 hours), we walked down Boat Quay and had Coffee Beans. It was ages since I last stepped into a Coffee Beans outlet, more still the one in Boat Quay. It was one of the first Coffee Beans that I went to. It was a good time, hanging out with the brothers, inducing girls' talk into them: eg. What is the ideal age for marriage? What are the characteristics you are looking out for? And I am ever thankful for NR3, my night-rider bus that stops right below my block.

My second taste of expensive coffee last week was the day after, ie Sunday. I went down to Marine Parade to have a potluck with my friends from the Japan tour. Since I was early, I decided to check out the Starbucks that a friend mentioned to be outside the library. Now, I knew that there was a Starbucks inside the library, but not the one outside. According to my friend, it was a great hang-out place, esp to spend a quiet afternoon reading. And it really is. However, my impression of Starbucks drinks has not improved. My first ever Starbucks was a Cafe Latte, which I did not add any sugar so it was all too bitter for my liking, and that day I tried their Tazo Chai Latte because someone recommended that. Not that I dislike the taste, rather there was too much ice. I felt that I paid more for the ice than the drink itself, so I was rather sore over that.

Anyway, speaking of potluck, had a similar version of that at Fongky's last Friday too. Alex and I went over, and I was supposed to cook grilled chicken with mashed potato on the side. Yet somehow it felt like Alex did much more of the cooking than me. *laugh* He's such a capable guy. And my grilled chicken didn't look anywhere near to how Sally did hers. And some more, hers seemed so much effortless than mine. Sigh, I have much to learn in this area. Just thank God that the chicken did not come out too hard or dry. It was still juicy and, on the whole, edible. :)

Well, so much for being back from Japan, and missing Japan. Work has started for me, and it's uphill all the way. Oh, and I'm pondering whether it's wise for me to get a bicycle, then I can cycle to work every day. Then I won't have to wait for the overcrowded 199 every morning, or to rush out of the house early enough to catch a relatively empty bus. On top of that I can save quite a lot of money. Hm...

p/s: O yea, it may have been the Chinese movies' effect, or the song. I watched Jackie Chan's The Myth, and Sammi Cheng's Everlasting Regret. Both ended quite sadly, and I have the song from The Myth stuck in my head.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

i'm back!!! :D

i finally got a taste of Japan, n boy, i am thankful for it. actually i mb one of the weirdest kind of ppl ard. i dun really know why i want to go over there so much because i've not really seen the land yet. 5 years back, i know nuts about Japan. then i got hooked. it has grown steadily, from anime to language, then to the culture n history (forgotten most of that tho').. there's jus a strong affinity for Japan. i hadnt been to the place then n yet i felt sure that i can stay there for some time, n see what can be done there. then this opportunity came along. sure, why not.. hop on to see the land. n it's gorgeous. Japan is jus what i felt it is all along. mb i shd keep my definition to Tokyo onli, since i've onli been there. yet it feels as if the rest of Japan wld feel the same to me as well. i'm in love with the place even before setting eyes on it. (trust me, i'm not the kind to flip on the Discovery Travel channel.)

well, the whole trip went all right. i enjoyed evry bits of it. we did a project SMILE (Sharing Magic In Love Everywhere) with the local Japanese, n had a community outreach to the old folks there. we managed to bring many happy smiles on their faces, n that is so priceless. then the 3 nights of Magic Of Love were great. i picked up new tricks to demo to the audience, as we were selling some of the merchandise. ppl were jus so amazed by simple tricks, n i love their smiles. some were v encouraging even when i had a couple hiccups. hee.. esp this usher, he wld come up to us n say 'show me'. then we cld practise our tricks for him to see. oh, n a professional Jap magician from the project SMILE class would also help us, n he's really quick with his hand movements. i'm amazed.

n i mus say the team is great as well. i had so much fun, laughing at one another. learning so much about the place together. rushing on the train, esp on our ride back to Narita airport. we got on the wrong train, n thank God, one of us spotted it in time before the train went too far from the turning point. n by His grace, we managed to check in at 615pm (our flight was bound to take off at 645pm), n board the plane. :)

oh, n thank God too that i managed to get into Japan. hee.. the visa thinggy did give me a fright there. the immigration officers were very strict to the rule for a visa tho' it is only "highly encouraged". *sigh.. well, i got led into one of those rooms for questioning, n i felt like i was a terrorist suspect. haha.. it sounded like fun now, but the thought came to be there n then, what if they kicked me back to Spore. honestly, thank God, that din happen. o well, i'll be more travel-wise now.. ;)

will post up photos soon! *loving n missing Japan*

p/s: i watched Mr & Mrs Smith (quite a cool movie, really) and The Little Mermaid (yes, again n again, i love this movie) on the flight there. i jus love flights with movies. hee.. tho i fell asleep for most of Kingdom of Heaven on my flight back, i managed to catch Adam Sandler's The Longest Yard. ;D