Friday, November 19, 2004

blotched red nose. i shall b called rudolph the red nose reindeer, or rather sneezy the dwarf. went down with a cold, nothing altogether that serious. yet i went to see doctor for the sake of my fellow labmates, n i din wanna stay sick. working is different from studying in that u need to be healthy, or else suffer for being sick. i cant help but feel guilty if anyone of them get sick in the lab. n oso i dun feel good taking mc...

anywayz, the doc wasnt much help. guess next time i shall not resort to the clinic in NTU. for one, it is very expensive, n i can onli claim $10 under medisave, unlike the 85% that my colleague told me that i can claim from outside government subsidised polyclinics or hospitals. felt like i kena cheated. o well, there is always a first time. never a second time, trust me. n it was jus a cold, surely the doc was overprescribing the medicine. shd hav asked him to cut off the lozenges n cough mixture. perhaps i dun need the antibiotics too since he added it as an afterthought. cut-throat doc! wanna earn my money, that's what... *grr.. hahaa.. sorry, i can b a real miser at times. esp when i feel that i am at the losing end of the bargain.

well, i'm getting well by n by. only my experiments are wrecking me up. stress on the built up. hehh.. who says there is no stress in work? who says that working is better than studying? well... jus two sides of the coins. none the better actualli.. haiz.. this is life.

oyea.. cell group today reminded me to give thanks to God nomatterwhat. well, let's see what can i give thanks to God then... for people in the lab, i guess. in the least i m getting to know them better, getting to talk to them more. (now i minimise my talking due to my sickness... the doc says that it is not infectious.. errr... i dun think i shd risk it...). n oso for a fren who i knew back in NUS n who's working in the lab nextdoor. it's good to hav someone u know ard..

Z-z time.. O God.. i pray for results tmr...

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