Friday, November 26, 2004

watched two movie since the last time i blogged. first one being Incredibles. really a 5 out of 5 movie, way out of this world.. hahaha.. i would recommend all my frens to watch, esp with ur family cos i think this is really a good family movie, or with a bunch of frens.. a good laugh out n stress releaser.. hehehe.. for the sake of those who still hvnt watched yet, i shall not say more except this: "Go watch lah!"... *chuckles*

then the other one, jus yest night, was the Thai scary movie Shutter. the blur me din know it was Thai until the story reached the middle end when the main characters went from Bangkok to the small town, then i realised, yea, this is a Thai movie... *piangz... hahahaha.. yea, i was that blur lor.. cos i was expecting to watch a Korean scary movie.. hahaa..

well, it is a totally different genre from the first movie.. stimes i dun know why i still wanna go watch scary movie cos i get scared most of the time when i get out of the cinema. my fren was fine cos she said she forgets n does not take the movie home with her. well, i do. perhaps it is also cos i believed in evil spirits n thus am more afraid of such things... haizz... mus really think twice before i watch another horror show... :(

Friday, November 19, 2004

blotched red nose. i shall b called rudolph the red nose reindeer, or rather sneezy the dwarf. went down with a cold, nothing altogether that serious. yet i went to see doctor for the sake of my fellow labmates, n i din wanna stay sick. working is different from studying in that u need to be healthy, or else suffer for being sick. i cant help but feel guilty if anyone of them get sick in the lab. n oso i dun feel good taking mc...

anywayz, the doc wasnt much help. guess next time i shall not resort to the clinic in NTU. for one, it is very expensive, n i can onli claim $10 under medisave, unlike the 85% that my colleague told me that i can claim from outside government subsidised polyclinics or hospitals. felt like i kena cheated. o well, there is always a first time. never a second time, trust me. n it was jus a cold, surely the doc was overprescribing the medicine. shd hav asked him to cut off the lozenges n cough mixture. perhaps i dun need the antibiotics too since he added it as an afterthought. cut-throat doc! wanna earn my money, that's what... *grr.. hahaa.. sorry, i can b a real miser at times. esp when i feel that i am at the losing end of the bargain.

well, i'm getting well by n by. only my experiments are wrecking me up. stress on the built up. hehh.. who says there is no stress in work? who says that working is better than studying? well... jus two sides of the coins. none the better actualli.. haiz.. this is life.

oyea.. cell group today reminded me to give thanks to God nomatterwhat. well, let's see what can i give thanks to God then... for people in the lab, i guess. in the least i m getting to know them better, getting to talk to them more. (now i minimise my talking due to my sickness... the doc says that it is not infectious.. errr... i dun think i shd risk it...). n oso for a fren who i knew back in NUS n who's working in the lab nextdoor. it's good to hav someone u know ard..

Z-z time.. O God.. i pray for results tmr...

Monday, November 15, 2004

let me see.. where should i pick up from.. been leaving my life behind, way way behind.. well, brief updates then:

22 Oct [Fri]- first day at work. din do much stuff, only managed to settle admin stuff. then had to tell boss that i would not be working on Sat cos i had some pre-appointment. he was generous enough to let me off without questioning me further.

23 Oct [Sat]- a day out at Sentosa. went with the GB girls. it was a rather fun time esp when i joined in their games. it has been a long time since i played team games. n i felt that i had become younger again..

the week from 24 to 31 Oct - frustrating week. not only was i tired from not getting any results, i was down with giving tuition. i almost fell asleep during a session n my lil girl had the nerve to ask me n tell me to go wash my face.. sigh... thank God towards the end of the week, something seemed to be working for my experiments.. i was starting to wonder whether i am cut out for the job or not..

from 1st to 7th Nov - a much more relaxing week. started to fit better in work. oso bcos results are showing tho' can b real elusive n scary at times. thank God for the dinners, ie. cell group gathering at ShuFang's place (it was a looong walk to her house, but the dinner together n chatting with the other girls were worth it).. dinner at the Jap restaurant at Clementi with Fongky n J.. really a cheap place to try out, n the food quality not that bad.. jus dun try the taufu with century egg gravy on top.. some ppl dun like that.. *chuckles*..

oh thank God for my buddy who invited me to go California Fitness with her on 7th Nov (Sunday). i enjoyed it thoroughly, steam-bath being the best!!! hehe... plus a sweet-tooth treat at TCC.. yeps, finally got a chance to go there. tried their oreo cheesecake, but thot it was jus normal. their ice mocha latte too.. but it was very powerful, not immediate tho'. i felt sleepy during the aft, but rather awake at night. hehh.. [hmm.. kinda wasted the morning workout, eh? :P]

more recently, last Wed(10th Nov), had lunch with the Dean of Sch of Biological Sciences n other new staff. imagine, all my years in NUS, i never had such a chance, n now here as a plain staff, i get see the Dean in person. wow.. but it was nothing. jus small talks for the Dean to get to know us. haiz.. not a very digestable lunch, if u ask me.

then that night, had a chalet outing with sister Irene n other sisters. we all stayed up the night to talk, about our salvation, about our current problems with God or with people.. basically a lot of things about ourselves. felt that it was a good bonding time when we became more transparent with one another. we needed a time like this, to build our relationship. then Thurs was a free n easy day with no programmes whatsoever. stimes this is good then one can do what one likes. but at other times, one realli craves for more action, sth like cycling at Pulau Ubin, kayaking to be more adventurous. hehee..

but nah, Thurs found me and buddy in Jean Yip. she did her hair, while i sat ard to read magazines that tell u why ur blackheads don't go away.. why a woman can tahan her husband eventhough he abused n left her, only to come back to her again.. don't get me wrong.. this is not a trashy story cos it exudes a true personality of patient love. she's a Christian n to me, tis is a great testimony of real life. true, granted that she would not b wrong in any case to divorce him, or to ask him to leave the house. yet because her sons asked that they could hav daddy back.. haizz... true life drama...

sth that pastor shared the other day that spoke volumes: a crisis doesn't make u who u are, but it shows u what u are made of.

okies.. then yesterday was Hari Raya. went to a coop fren's house for celebration. it was a nice time meeting up with the coop ppl again. n brother KC found a job!!! *two thumbs up*.. so happy for him. then got to spend some time after the visitation to chat with him. really good to catch up, now that i dun see him so often except during church, n that time is really hard to talk much.. n it's true, what he said, that next time when we meet up, we will be mostly talking about our work.. haiz.. the different phase of life..

went Suntec to meet up with my darling godsis. she's a dear as always. giving me pressies - Hillsongs' latest album!! woooo... i'm so happy cos i was thinking of buying that for myself. hee.. now no need to buy. i finally bought Le Couple. it was on my list for a while now ever since Sin wrote about it on his blog. was still thinking of the other album of Emi Fujita, but i wanna hear more Jap songs. so i went ahead with this album. it was a good buy, soothing to the soul, tho' it is begging to understand more Jap.. aiks.. need to learn Jap.

i borrowed two books from NTU lib on learning Jap so in my free or usu waiting time, i look at the books, but i feel so conscious about reading something else in the lab office, that i dun openly do it. feel guilty, that i shd b reading some journal or sth else. hehh...

ooookies.. i hope this is updates enough for u guys.. heee.. will try to blog more often, jus that when i'm in the office, i dun feel secure oso blogging cos u never know who's reading behind ur back, n if they do nosily check on ur history n see where u've been too.. haiz.. esp when some ppl hav too much time on their hands.. dun get me wrong, i do no such things! hahaha..