Monday, October 11, 2004

hehh.. gonna blog a bit now. yesterday i ran 10km!! muahaha.. no, it isnt the sposedly Tuas 2nd link that i ran. they were a lil stern on the BIB number so that onli registered runners cld take part. well, since they hav their reasons being that u actualli ran across the tuas chkpt n such, so i din venture to try my luck running there without a BIB number. dun wanna end up with some complications with immigration that can delay the start of my job further..

anyway, i planned out a cool running route for myself using chk out this website if u wanna find out the dist u walk/jog. it's cool... hahaa.. well, i ran all the way to Jenny's place n discovered a very nice canal where i can jog in future [Buddy!!! WE can jog there next time.. hehehe...].. then down Woodsland Rd, which was quite queit.. u know, the eerie sort of quietness... but i love the railway tracks that passed thru there.. seem to throw me back in time, back into the cowboy olden days.. yee-hahh... *chuckles*

and i ran 10km in 1hour. hehee.. an achievement i m proud of. nyanyaa... but i need a better record to make 21km in 2.5hours. ya, my fren said that i'm a lil crazed in running. but there's all the excitement, the sense of adventure.. the pang of achievement.. a dreamy sighz..

well, for now, to do house chores. mommy coming back tmr.. yeah, it wld b good having her back.. home-cooked dinners.. but now, yea, the chores await me..

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