Saturday, October 16, 2004

had some time after my tuition to go to the library at jurong point. decided that i would wanna pick up some other languages. i tried myanmar, then i tried german. both seem rather hard to really learn. finally decided that japanese is still the best for me.

sister, thank you for reading my blog. yes, this is a special message for u. n if u know what i mean by what i type in the above paragraph, then know also that your child is in safe Hands. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

watched 2046. what an intense movie! n for the first time, i felt its novelty. perhaps i hav not watched many movies like these kinds before. or is it my first exposure to Tony Leung's love movies? Are all of them as intense, as reflective? *shrug*.. i'm lost on that train 2046, lost in that train of thought... 10 hours, 100 hours, 1000 hours, still lost there...

Monday, October 11, 2004

hehh.. gonna blog a bit now. yesterday i ran 10km!! muahaha.. no, it isnt the sposedly Tuas 2nd link that i ran. they were a lil stern on the BIB number so that onli registered runners cld take part. well, since they hav their reasons being that u actualli ran across the tuas chkpt n such, so i din venture to try my luck running there without a BIB number. dun wanna end up with some complications with immigration that can delay the start of my job further..

anyway, i planned out a cool running route for myself using chk out this website if u wanna find out the dist u walk/jog. it's cool... hahaa.. well, i ran all the way to Jenny's place n discovered a very nice canal where i can jog in future [Buddy!!! WE can jog there next time.. hehehe...].. then down Woodsland Rd, which was quite queit.. u know, the eerie sort of quietness... but i love the railway tracks that passed thru there.. seem to throw me back in time, back into the cowboy olden days.. yee-hahh... *chuckles*

and i ran 10km in 1hour. hehee.. an achievement i m proud of. nyanyaa... but i need a better record to make 21km in 2.5hours. ya, my fren said that i'm a lil crazed in running. but there's all the excitement, the sense of adventure.. the pang of achievement.. a dreamy sighz..

well, for now, to do house chores. mommy coming back tmr.. yeah, it wld b good having her back.. home-cooked dinners.. but now, yea, the chores await me..

Monday, October 04, 2004

phew.. thot i had some pblem with the blogger page. thot that perhaps i hav not come here for so long that they thot me obsolete n deleted me off their user list.. hehh.. that was what happened the last time i tried to come to this post page.. phew, thank God i still can blog... nyanyaa..

this is life. waking up late in the morning. having a lazy n slow bfast.. enjoying the morning rays in the living room. no channelnewsasia to catch cos too late to watch prime time morning, n not gonna heck about the rest of the world. not this morning anyway. wanna jus be on my own. n it feels great. my own space, my own time... it's great taking a break from everything. hehh..

well, i had enough adventure yest. surprisingly my legs are aching today. guess i shdnt hav gone jogging in the morning, knowing what a rush it would be later in the afternoon. hee.. n good thing only Haha went down with me to JB to catch the New Police Story in cantonese.. yesh, i cant let it pass by me without catching it in canto.. in plain yucky subbed mandarin jus wun do.. hahaa.. had to go all the way to pelangi leisure mall too, when the nearest n best place would hav been in city square but they aren't showing it there yet. din wanna wait another week so this is what happens lo.. a small scale adventure.. hehee..

so we found out such a thing as pelangi plaza n pelangi leisure mall are two very different places. n my dear JB batchmate Zhen was correct when she said that tis cinema is very far from the causeway.. hehh.. next thing we found out was that there is such a thing as free shuttle bus in JB! wooo.. jus hav to follow the timing, but guess it was worth the wait.. free wor.. n if u take public bus, u might hav to wait as well.. so what the heck.. nyanyaa..

n the show? two thumbs up from me.. hehh.. i enjoyed myself thru'out. perhaps it was this conscious that kept telling me that i ought to enjoy it after putting in so much effort to catch it. haha... but it was great!.. really.. nicholas tsu was a lil on the sissy side, daniel wu was Haha's fave.. okie.. i guess we din waste our money.. not much of a waste anyway.. jus RM$8!!.. cheaper than watching it on weekdays in Spore.. nyanyaa.. i love spending money in Msia.. :P

as for other highlights from my life: i finished my 21-click in 3 hours 03mins.. a disappointment cos my partner n my time goal was set at 2hrs 30mins but i guess both of us din train hard enough. or, as he put it himself, he needed to start training! akaka... well, there's always the other one at the end of this year.. :) so Sin, i really salute to u, that u can make it under 2hrs.. totally out of this world!..