Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How has it been for you? I've not been keeping track of the days that I last spoke to you. I've been feeling freed, until you came to my mind today. How have you been, I wonder? Are you out to trick someone else again? I figure all that is not within my control.

Do I still miss you?... Prob the times when I made you worry about me. And the times when we can laugh off and joke around. Other that those times, nothing else. I realise that my memory of you is beginning to fade. So much the better.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What do you do when you're bored with life, and you hope for some excitement... Yet you can't find it, without bothering your conscience of betraying someone else?...

Answer: You blog.

My hub and I went jogging yesterday night. We were not adventurous - we didn't try a new route, nor did we want to run far. We completed 2.7km route again. This time we didn't go as fast, we didn't burn out on our energy. At the end of the run, I felt as if I could run another round. That was a good feeling. :)

Monday, March 14, 2016

The rain came and stopped. I did not get to eat an apple and read a book on the sofa. I was trying to fix my blog, so that it's open for public viewing again.

Now to sip my coffee - which I think is becoming cold.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

On Friday night I went jogging with a comrade, who has journeyed through a familiar path with me. So we jogged, we talked, we lamented, then we paused. Life. How I wish ours would be one of happy ending. Life. It's just not the way we think it would be. Still, life. It holds something so much more. Of beauty and beyond.

Here's cheers to life.

Ever since we stopped talking, I've been having mixed feelings. First was anger because I felt betrayed. Next was missing. Today is discontent.

I guess the reason why I allowed you into my life was because of that - the great discontent with my current life. For a while it was fun. Then it became a little sticky. So it was time to stop playing and look at reality in the eye. This would not bring us anywhere, other than just temporarily satisfying the fleshly desire. That is wrong.

Now I know. Yet I can't help but feel the loss. Let me build again once that is lost, and find something more of eternal value.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Saturday, March 05, 2016

We went for a jog yesterday, with new neighbours - one was on a motorised scooter, acting as safety vehicle. *thumbs up. We ran 2.7km, and today my legs are aching. Either a sign of old age, or that I am out of shape. Need to dig out more running gear and start running more constantly.

It's kinda interesting how I have transit in my jog- from back in Uni days to now. Some things remain constant - jogging is not how far we can run, but the people we run with, and we should jog at a pace that we can talk. Maybe, just maybe, I may decide to jog alone once a while to clear my thoughts.