Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last week I felt like a lousy student.

This week I felt like a lousy fiance.

But God, You told me that no matter how lousy I feel that I am, my worth is still in You. Like the $50 note that is crumpled, trampled on, it is still worth $50. I'm only discovering, or rather re-discovering, my worth in You.

Last week I did not prepare well for a group meeting. Thus I wasn't able to contribute much, and it felt so wrong that I had to leave early because I only had one-hour lunch break for that meeting.

(Omigosh, I remember what I dreamt last night! For the past two nights, the drugs have sedated me into a drowsy state but I had this conscious feeling that I know I was asleep, but I didn't sleep well. Last night's dream was when I entered the COFM computer lab for some other purpose, then I realize that the rest of my classmates were there, attending a tutorial which I forgot about!)

Then, preparing for wedding also puts me in a bad notch with WL. I don't understand why I must be in such an irritated state to get my point or idea across. I guess I need to watch it because it's not very helpful.

And now it's mid-term break. I really hope to catch up with my study, especially in reading up from other books, not just relying on lecture notes.

Hope to report better news in my next entry.