Monday, August 27, 2007

Plain mode:

I ran 12km in 1h 23min.


Body aching too badly, affecting my creativity ability, which is quite low these days anyway.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Today is the day. What makes it so special? Just because today is the day I chose to start blogging again. No reason in particular.

There was that one day, I walked to the end of the platform, watched the train as it approached, felt the slap of the breeze as it went past, and got onto the last carriage. I haven't done this for a whle. Kind of make me forget how it was, how I enjoyed it. Those moments. Of being alone, by myself.

On another day, I just wished I was all by myself, in a small room. That I could do whatever I like. Paint, draw, write. Just by myself.

Then I found myself, back here, in a world of my own. :)