Thursday, October 26, 2006

I don't what you do to me but
Everytime I'm with you its a natural high
its like re-discovering Eden
with chocolate-coated rainbows and cotton candy skies
And everytime you look my way
I wish I had the guts to say

There's something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Something in the way you move me
You make me want to sing
Make me want to dance
Make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you.

I think I'll hire Cupid
He'll make you see I'm more than your friend
You'll be tossing and turning
Counting the hours till you see me again
And when we meet you'll
Kiss my hand and say the words I've longed to hear

There's something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Something in the way you move me
You make me want to sing
Make me want to dance
Make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you
You make me want to sing
Make me want to dance
Make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's October.. Whatever happened to September... Sigh... well, time to wake up, wake up!!!

Working in NUS for over two month. And now I'm termed as 'homeless'. My currect lab does not meet the lab accreditation for BSL-2 settings, so I can't have the clinical lab here. Kinda sad cos if you know me, I can grow quite accustomed to a place. Plus, there's a great view, and plenty of space for now. And I've designed a layout of how the clinical lab will look like.

My boss trusts me pretty much, too much sometimes. I guess he needs to be wary that I may not know what I am doing at times. Perhaps he realise that by now. Realise that I may be too free for my good too. So he proposed that I present a paper for the TI journal club this Thursday. He will go through the presentation with me first on Wednesday so that I won't screw up big time. *sigh.. At times I wonder if I'm a little incompetent in the things I do. I screw up quite a number of times liao.

I wish, my wish... That if I do hop on to another new job in future, I may go to a more established lab. One that I can practically start working in the lab on the first day.

Thinking about studies. About languages. About Masters. Not too sure though if I'll be embarking into the latter at all. But if I intend to stay on in research for the next 10 years, I'd better consider it carefully. Just that I don't want to do it here. Hoping for other options to open to me. God will provide. He always does. Just that knowing this still does not stop me from thinking about it. Hee.. ;)

Oyea.. thank God that I escape from being charged $150 by the IRAS for not e-filing. The three words I kept repeating to explain myself were: "I'm not aware", which I honestly did not. I'm quite gullible at times when it comes to online or e-stuff. Hehh.. But now I have to pay my income tax. *acks.. not cheap, not cheap.

Well, October marks another month which I will be broke again, I figure. I'll have to spend on air tickets to go home next month. Ah, to go home. Possibly for the last time. I can't wait to go home. See familiar faces there, only those that I want to see. Also packing up the remainder of my stuff there.

Oh, Brunei, Brunei.